Friday, January 24, 2014

Stop Pelosi PAC

Nancy Pelosi has one goal-- to win back the Speaker's gavel and enact Barack Obama's radical agenda:

• Massive tax hikes on middle-class and hardworking Americans to pay for free handouts, like government-funded abortions, never-ending unemployment benefits, welfare without work, and taxpayer subsidized birth control;

• Citizenship for millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States who, once able to vote in elections, will exponentially grow the Democratic Party and ensure their electoral success for years to come; and

• Absolute government control over our private lives -- not just whether or not we purchase health insurance, but what we look at on the Internet, who we talk to on the phone, what we purchase at the store, and even what we eat!

And who is standing in Pelosi's way? The American people and Stop Pelosi PAC.

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