Monday, January 6, 2014

Steinhardt outstanding Balance to the City of Lake Worth

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The following is a letter dated January 13, 2011 wherein it shows that the corporations involved in the "Steinhardt property" or in actuality the submerged Lake Worth leased property,  owe the city of Lake Worth $26,238.21 for the two submerged parcels of land under the Lease terms. All amounts owed will be written off by the city.


  1. Thank you steve,for attempting the totally neglected case of our Steinhard property which we,a few informed Citizens, recovered for breach of Contract by Steinhard. No Commission ever read that Contract,we did and got the property back for Lake Worth taxpayers-owners.
    Laurence McNamara's Charter Amendment protects public properties from sale without placement on the ballot,voters' approval.

  2. Why did not one new Commission member and maxwell, collect this ,upon sittimg in our Commission seat, how long ago?
    What did they do?
    25 Lake Ave.newspaper man threatens all Citizens who dare to run against him in his re-lection bid.He DEMANDS to be re-elected to collect his monthly check for doing what?For the City?He knows nothing about the inner workings.No idea about unfunded Pension fund,how to replenish the missing money, of Lake Worth employees' fund,,
    displays only arrogance.That primitive, ran to be PUBLIC SERVANT!Humility ,with respect for his paymasters, L.W.Taxpayers, is what he asked for when running for that seat.We are watching.Parrot Cove's Miller encourages his useless seat occupation.!!!!.
