Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Not Fair and Balanced

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Wednesday January 15, 2014 @ 09:39 AM ET
NBC Devotes Nearly 11 Minutes to Christie, Only 41 Seconds to Bad ObamaCare Numbers
Between Monday's Nightly News and Tuesday's Today, NBC devoted ten minutes and forty-four seconds to coverage of the now six-day-old controversy surrounding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Meanwhile, poor ObamaCare enrollment numbers just released Monday afternoon garnered only forty-one seconds of air time on Today and were completely ignored on Nightly News. On Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams touted investigations into Christie's "bridge traffic scandal" and hyped "an investigation into how some of the emergency relief money was spent after Hurricane Sandy." Williams announced: "It is quite clear that for Christie's political rivals it has now become something of an open season."


  1. So who is fair and balanced? It certainly is not Fox News or NBC, one is so conservative and blatantly republican and the other so obviously liberal. Maybe CNN, ABC, or CBS are a little more fair or balanced???? You are right about how NBC is and you only have to listen to Fox for 10 minutes to tell what their agenda is. Sometimes it is best to listen to all sources and then make up your mind, use Yahoo News and other sources online too. Fox News has to be the worst though they are so pro republican it is just so obvious. Thanks for sharing this Lynn.We all need to be cautious about what we hear, I have some friends who refuse to have a TV altogether because of this, some believe TV doesn't allow you to think for yourself.

  2. Fox news is the only one that tells the truth. Why do you think it out does the other competion with its highest ratings??? Without Fox we would be living in a Dictatorship which we are almost doing now The journalist with Msnbc, CNN NBC and the others are all Democrats and only give one view. This is what our Liberal s do.

  3. Fox new s is the only one that tells the truth.
    And susan Stanton was the "best city manager ever".
