Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maude Ford Lee

Maude Ford Lee is back in the news this morning. Her claiming a double homestead on rented property for which she had no rental license is coming back to haunt her. Unless she lived there with the thugs she rented the property to, she could be in big do do. The Property Appraiser's office will delve into this.

Apparently when she was in office she used campaign funds for unusual expenses--sort of like Andy Amoroso buying a new computer, printer and filling his car up with gas--probably not illegal but not standard. Politicians don't do anything illegal, do they?

Remember when former mayor, Rene Varela, did the exact same thing--his house on S. Palmway and the condo he bought for his Mother on South Lakeside? I guess he wasn't a big enough fish in this little corrupt Palm Beach County pond for anyone to question him.

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