July 1912, originally called the
Lake Worth Commercial Club changed its name two months later to
the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce
according to Lake Worth Jewel of the Goldcoast.
At that time, we had
38 people residing in Lake Worth.
Lake Worth Commercial Club changed its name two months later to
the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce
according to Lake Worth Jewel of the Goldcoast.
At that time, we had
38 people residing in Lake Worth.
The building is now called The Trojan House--
soon to be a memory
soon to be a memory
This building, built originally in 1911 and opened in 1912 as the first Chamber of Commerce building in our city, is shown in the book, page 182, Lake Worth, Jewel of the GoldCoast by Jonathan Koontz and how it looked in 1997. The condition of this historic property, situated on land zoned as MF20, is like night and day today. It was listed for sale in 2013. Bo Allen is the real estate broker involved in handling the property. I believe that he was also on the Ramiccio regime as a commissioner of District 3 when the city purchased it from the Chamber of Commerce.
The school is selling it back to the city. It's been in decay for years and because it's school board property, we
have never done anything about the eyesore. Apparently, the city started
a code file on it this year and the city will assume the fines--those code fines probably prompted its sale. It has been appraised by an outside appraiser who charged $1,000 for his report at $35,000 (land value only). According to PAPA, it's worth, $61,874. The Purchase and Sale Contract, will result in the City acquiring the property.
The Summary in the Agenda's back-up says: The Purchase and Sale Contract, will result in the City acquiring the property at 1702 Lake Worth Road and Trojan House, Inc., receiving approximately $30,000 to be used to establish a construction lab for Lake Worth students. Additionally, up to $10,000 for demolition, document recording and lot improvement.
The wheeling dealing continues in our city. This was a property that was bought to preserve our history but turned out to be just another historical property, mismanaged with bad decisions made by the city, that was allowed to rot. We deeded it to the school and now we are buying it back to demolish it. Watch this property eventually go to the CRA to build more affordable housing.
I would suppose that the secret to maintaining property we own is to either give it away or knock it down but then we would have to mow the vacant land. What a drag.
The Summary in the Agenda's back-up says: The Purchase and Sale Contract, will result in the City acquiring the property at 1702 Lake Worth Road and Trojan House, Inc., receiving approximately $30,000 to be used to establish a construction lab for Lake Worth students. Additionally, up to $10,000 for demolition, document recording and lot improvement.
The wheeling dealing continues in our city. This was a property that was bought to preserve our history but turned out to be just another historical property, mismanaged with bad decisions made by the city, that was allowed to rot. We deeded it to the school and now we are buying it back to demolish it. Watch this property eventually go to the CRA to build more affordable housing.
I would suppose that the secret to maintaining property we own is to either give it away or knock it down but then we would have to mow the vacant land. What a drag.
Theis Commission crop demands to be re-elected, to manage Lake Worth.Back door deals cost the Citizens ,properties, loss of land value with building of affordable future burglars housing,food stamps and well fare money stealing illegal criminal Sovereign America invading aliens in collaboration with this Commission.
ReplyDeletelake Worth Tax payers ,stop this steady downgrading of Lake Worth, vote for a moral group, with thorough knowledge of all City's Departments, which make our City function,revenue generation ability, and rpotection of our land and properties, which constitute the value of Lake Worth.
The present irresponsible gang,which wants to give irreplaceable land belonging to all Citizens, were elected with malicious slandering,invectives and bribes,
of moral people of Lake Worth.
Water seeks its' own level, but Lake Worth does not belong to the foul, subversive,liars, and vicious rumor mongers,the base element of the City ,as they do not pay all taxes.
Great research Lynn, you only seem to be the one to research and point out corruption and incompetence.
ReplyDeleteThe history of this building was one of the first houses built in LW.
It later become a popular Italian Restaurant owned by Al Mele. The building was turned over to the Chamber of Commerce and moved from Lucerne just East of Dixie to the present location,paid for by the City where it was used by the Chamber for sevceral years. The Devos Company did the remodeling at that time. Again you show this City and its leaders have no idea how to handle money or assets.
To the person who just tried to post here...if you would refrain from personal attacks, I would have posted. Check your history, anonymous.
ReplyDeleteShame on Lake Worth High school! And shame on the Lake Worth Commission and City Manager Bornstein that are allowing our history to be destroyed !!! Katie Mcgiveron
ReplyDeleteLW High never had a dime in this property. The houses you refer to were given to them. We shouldn't be paying them anything unless we just want to be Mr. Nice guy.
ReplyDeleteHow in the hell did that creature BO Allen get his paws into this?
ReplyDeleteWas the Italian restaurant the Banyan Tree?