Friday, January 17, 2014

Lake Worth vs. Boynton Beach Basketball

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As we pulled into the parking lot, it was packed.  There was a junior varsity game in play and it was a close game with Lake Worth winning. A great night for basketball and our kids moved and made unbelievable plays. Lake Worth scored first and it was all downhill after that for Boynton Beach.  Lake Worth won 71 - 49.

Lake Worth Alumni were honored at half-time and the cheerleaders came over and gave us all a cheer.


  1. The parking lot was packed?
    The stands are empty. Like 99% of your stories this one is lacking in truth and facts.

  2. Other things go on at the high school besides basketball games, anonymous. Stop your snide remarks and grow up. You weren't there. Too bad you don't want to support your local school. Thanks.

  3. It's always the clueless who take the personal shot. The school has night educational classes. The lot was pretty much filled.

  4. I was there and Lynn was absolutely RIGHT the lot was full. And LW won both games. The alum. Were recognized and thanked for their support. Too bad you don't like kids
