Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's a mad, mad, mad religious world

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Click here... for the Pew Institute's research on religious hostilities throughout the world.  Religious hostilities increased in every major region on the globe except the Americas. The study finds that restrictions on religion are high or very high in 43% of countries. Here in the U.S. we open our arms having tolerance for just about everything with some states even allowing Muslims to get a picture ID driver's license wearing a Burka as long as her face is visible for the photo.


  1. We need to stop all this religious freedom stuff right away. This country was not founded on this type of thing!

  2. @11:20--the poster is just baiting you!

  3. I believe this country was founded because of religious freedom The first religous group was the Pilgrims the second group were the Puritans so better go back to your history books Loretta.
