Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hole in the Wall--literally

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Property at 801 Lake Avenue--This is the "hole in the wall" where the graffiti was on the wall for nearly one year until Katie painted it over. This area is becoming unsavory -- more crime and infractions escalating. What are you going to do about it all, Commissioner Amoroso? 


  1. With all the complaining about the mayor and commissioners on this blog not one yes voter has stepped up to run. Whats with that?

  2. You mean to say with all the problems in this city that are constantly pointed out on this blog, that no one has stepped up to the plate to run against this dais.

    I can't answer that one, anonymous. I would only guess that most people who are active see it as a totally helpless situation. I gather you are one of the NO's who like slum,blight and crime and illegal banners and such?

  3. Most folks would agree that being a Mayor or Commissioner is a thankless job, certainly the pay is not great. Really a lot of folks who run for these positions are realtors or developers, they DO seem to get something out of it.

    But just because we don't want to run for elected office (or can't, too busy with a professional job, etc.) doesn't mean that we shouldn't ask our elected officials to act on issues that we see or concern us as citizens and tax payers.

  4. the hole is bigger todAY.

  5. Lynn, please post the mayor or commissioners are who are developer or sell real estate. This is not a got you post
    I would really like to know, I haven't lived here long . I guess I should be better informed.

  6. I am rather sure you are "informed."

    It is a euphemism and it has been around Lake Worth for a very long time. It is about a group who believes that our city has to grow and the only way that will happen is by developing the crap out of it...good projects, bad projects, future Section 8 projects. It is a group that believes giving $500,000 to Publix, a multi-billion corporation is the right thing to do..take poor taxpayers dollars to support their developer friends, Realtor friends, etc. who derive their income from any sort of real estate. It is an outrageous idea to grab $11 million to $15 million to develop the Park of commerce for some wild idea that if you build it, they will come. It is the notion that we the people are dealing with corruption. It is the notion that we are dealing with commissioners who believe that they are smarter than the people. It is commissioners who believe they can stop a vote of the people. It is a about arrogance personified. It's about a group that cares about tax base first instead of the people. It is a group that overlooks the slum, blight and the crime but just wants to build. It is a group that always gets contributions from builders, etc. with some of the candidates taking money from a Sun Recycling company, one of the most corrupt that ever hit our city.

    The "pavers."
