Thursday, December 26, 2013

Woman accosted at beach

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A woman escaped her would be abductor on Christmas Eve while at the lower lot near the Casino at the Lake Worth beach. Read about it.

Some brilliant person tried to comment here that since my residential area was now getting crime that perhaps it was time for me to move. I point out crime so that action can be taken. There's way too much of it and it is hitting all neighborhoods in Lake Worth. Now we can't even go to the beach without the threat of a low life. It's beyond serious. And NO ONE talks about it, not one commissioner.  Where's Clint Eastwood when you need him?


  1. Talking about it would mean having to do something about it. And doing something about it would mean bringing the sheriff's department to the table and demanding some accountability. Last time I saw a cop at the beach he was reading the riot act to a nice looking 50-something woman who did not see the No Animals sign and was walking her tiny dog (on a leash) on the sidewalk that runs by the beach. He totally humiliated her for no reason. It's easier I guess than going after the thugs with the pit bulls on the beach. Or the serious criminals.

  2. True, there are more serious infractions and certainly serious crimes. However, at least they told her no dogs allowed. Let's not condemn them for DOING their job. I just want to know--where are they?

  3. Where could you move to?
    There's crime everywhere, it's not just in Lake Worth.
