Wednesday, December 18, 2013

They totally "missed" Lake Worth

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America's nicest cities. Guess what?  Lake Worth is not listed even though we are so kind it isn't funny.

We have 30 plus churches giving spiritual guidance to many; we allow the Homeless to move about freely and sleep wherever; Panhandlers, no problem. There are criminals galore committing all sorts of acts; We coddle illegals. We have strong neighborhood associations that continually have clean-ups where people have trashed the community and properties where they live. We allow graffiti to exist on a downtown wall for 8 months until the MOD Squad finally took care of it. We have allowed slum landlords to operate and rent to 10 people in a room and blighting our city. We continue to allow the vacation rental scam to exist and we have a commission enamored with the CRA and affordable housing plus rentals attracting the poor. What could be "nicer" than that?


  1. Very cool. I really luv the way you express yourself.

  2. You totally missed it Lynn. You failed to mention the arrogant commission set on over-turning the heights amendment and voting on a hotel district. They have been nice to their developer cronies and realtor friends like Rice and Sharpe.

  3. Another one you missed is what we pay to PBSO. Now that's pretty nice wouldn't you say?

  4. This made me giggle, we certainly are nice to everyone aren't we. The only folks that get the short end of the stick are the residents who pay the taxes and get ignored by the City Manager (I don't answer to residents), the Commission (what referendum) and PBSO (yeah you give us more than half your budget, but we are not going to patrol, police or respond, ha, ha).

  5. Anyone out there running against these guys? Speak up.

  6. You know there are some people that are you support that are going to run. And lose badly.

  7. Don't know who you are talking to, anonymous, as you did not address it to anyone in particular. If you are talking to me--who are these people that I support that might be running? I have no clue on anyone running. personally, I think all politicians have a lot to be desired and the one I did admire, no longer lives in the city.

  8. OMG,an ax murderer could beat these people. The mayor might have a chance. MIGHT.

  9. Na, she don't. She toast.
