Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The War on Christmas is Real

I have had an enjoyable morning listening to Elvis and Johnny Mathis Christmas CD's, back when Silent Night was sung correctly and one didn't have to worry about all this ridiculous political correctness or rather, incorrectness.

David Bozell says--

The War on Christmas is alive and well.

From South Carolina, to Oklahoma, and up through Washington, the war against Christmas has once again hit a fever pitch. Whether it is the state of Washington banning all holiday decorations from its Capitol building because of pressure from anti-religious groups, or a Houston, Texas–area school banning students from even saying the name "Jesus," religious freedom is being squashed throughout the United States.

A middle school choir in New York has even gone so far as to perform the song "Silent Night" while editing out any Christian references! "Silent Night" is about the birth of Jesus, so to pretend like you can perform the song without any reference to Christianity just goes to show how absurd this war against Christmas has become. We have to stop this! At what point do people realize that simply referencing religious beliefs—whether it be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or any other—isn't meant to offend others, but to celebrate faith?

Kelly Shackelford, CEO of Liberty Institute, correctly points out that these anti-Christmas moves are not only unfair, they are also unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled time and again that private religious speech on public property is protected by the First Amendment. So don't let anyone tell you the "War on Christmas" isn't real; it is, and it is illegal too!

Add your name to the ForAmerica petition to STOP the War on Christmas!


David Bozell
Executive Director

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