Monday, December 23, 2013

Sidewalk Cafe Permit - Lake Worth

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It is unlawful for any person to conduct, solicit or attempt to solicit business or business, or exhibit for sale, offer for sale, deliver, or sell any service, goods, ware and/or merchandise from, in, and/or on any vehicular right of way, pedestrian right of way, public parking lot, or other public property in the city with some exceptions.

The downtown restaurants and those using the sidewalk say they will only use that area that is part of their lease or what they own that is not city property or property owned by FDOT and therefore don't need to get a new license.

Per William Waters, "The pavers in question, for the most part, are on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way.  As such the pavers are theirs (FDOT); however, the pavers do extend onto private property in many cases.  As  long as those businesses can document that their activities are taking place only on private property, they indeed do not need a sidewalk cafĂ© permit.  From the complaints that we have heard and received, activities are taking place on public right of way on the weekends and later in the evening.  If the businesses undertake activities on the right of way without an appropriate permit, they will be cited."

Getting better


  1. Atlantic Ave in Delray. Sidewalks have tables and chairs for patrons. ADA has been met...why cant that happen here. If you want to make LW a have to ease up on some of your ordinances....stop nit pickin.....the area DOES NOT have a good reputation. Dont chase people away to a more relaxed atmosphere (delray) If you want to keep the tourist $$ here stop being such a fuddy duddy.

  2. Let them build to the sky too.

    Why not tell it to the federal government, anonymous.

    More relaxed? There is nothing more relaxed than the laws in Lake Worth. Hell, you can do just about anything you want in this city and there are citizen volunteers to clean it all up.

  3. Keep it clean and neat. Not like sanford and sons joint. LOL

  4. People want to come to Florida and sit outside and enjoy our fair weather. We want people to come to downtown and patronize our businesses, but there have been times where the side walk cafes have gotten out of control, in that you cannot walk down the sidewalk.

    In my opinion, Dave's and Brouges, two of my favorites are the worst offenders and the Pizza place. Two people walking together should, in my opinion, be able to walk down our very wide sidewalks hand in hand and be able to get through the tables.

    I think the issue in Delray is different, although I could be wrong, in that in Lake Worth, the road was narrowed, so large parts of our sidwalks actually belong to DOT. Perhaps if DOT gave them up, we wouldn't have to, as a city, enforce these rules.

  5. The American Disability
    Act controls this. We would still have to comply.

  6. Lynn why are you constantly attacking downtown businesses? Big friggin deal if there are tables on the sidewalks. You are so negative about everything just add this to your negative list of life's miseries. So pathetic.

  7. I'm all FOR downtown business and promote many of them all of the time.

    What I am for is enforcing our laws. people don't like laws when it directly affects them in some fashion that they perceive as "negative." Too bad.

    That's what's PATHETIC. Laws are supposed to be for the greater good of all, not one select group.

  8. 10:04. I guess you believe that we should get rid of all disabled people--screw them all. is that it? Life revolves around you and your business?

  9. Anony at 10:04. I would call you a moron but I won't. It wouldn't get posted. I would ask you to point out what is anti-business about it? This has to do with a new city ordinance. Ms. Anderson did not write the ordinance. She did not vote on it. Look to your commission if you feel this is anti-business. While you're at it, get your damn tables off the rights of way. Thank you very much.

  10. On this specific issue.. you can thank Brogues for ruining a good thing by not helping a disabled person through the sidewalk and then getting this town in the mess its in. Brouges is a pathetic excuse for a restaurant and, isnt, but should be ashamed.
