Monday, December 9, 2013

Selling out of America

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Video from Johnny Dollar

Listen to the video on:  Obamacare and Obama's desperation and the Iranian bad deal by creating a monster as we took our influence off the table.

”They will sell the country out no matter what” to get a deal.  Accusing Obama of extending himself more for the Iranians and the radical Islamists than for Republicans,  panel member, Pat Caddell who is a Fox News Democrat said on the Harris Faulkner show on Sunday's Fox News that the Obama administration is "rolling over with its paws up in the air."


  1. You really should stop watching Fox News, you are so misguided and misinformed it's scary.

  2. This was a Democrat talking about your beloved socialist, Obama. Can't help it. Talk to him. OK? And---please follow your own advice and STOP watching MSNBC--these people are reaLLY SCARY.
