Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rick Scott - The Facts on his Record

As the Democrats are in beat-him-up overtime, here are a few stats on Governor Scott. Governor Rick Scott said he had a plan to cut $500 million in taxes for Florida families and small businesses.

Rick Scott's leadership:
  • Florida's Unemployment Rate has dropped to 6.7%, the lowest since September 2008
  • Florida has created a $1.5 billion rainy day fund
  • Paid back $3.5 billion to the federal government for unemployment insurance
  • Rick Scott has cut major taxes five times in three legislative sessions, including property taxes, business income taxes and sales taxes on equipment and machinery. 
  • Added 440,000 new private sector jobs
  • And just think, because of a great state in which to do business, corporations have either moved to Florida or have kept their headquarters here like the recent Office Depot decision after its merger.

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