Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Quote of the Day - Glenn Beck

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Santa Claus doesn’t actually exist, and we have far bigger issues as a country to tackle. $17 trillion. Our country is on the verge of collapse. Our president doesn’t obey the laws. Our people don’t obey the laws … The NSA is spying on us … The government has lied over and over again. We’re in wars we don’t even understand. But you want to know what color a fictional mouse is? You want to know what color? I got news for ya. You do the math on this. I hate to break it to you, kids, but Mickey Mouse isn’t real.

~ Glenn Beck

Speaking to the foolish Democratic brouhaha on the skin color of Santa Claus.


  1. That's the trouble with all you socialists who are bringing down our country--YOU CAN'T FRIGGING READ. :)
    Your comment was rejected because you resorted to name-calling--something you guys do best particularly when you are losing. No one can top the lefties at denigration.

  2. Primitive,Al (Tawanna Brawley) Sharpton(remember his liar's defense of the black teenager,primitive Tawanna Brawley who covered herself with unspeakable filth ,claimed to have been raped by a white man,which later turned out to be a lie. She had stayed out all night with friends, and was afraid of her parents punishment. Sharpton,spewed the foulest language against white Americans, sued New York, claiming his client the black teenager,had been raped by a white man?His virulent anti-White Americans rethorical accusations of white men, is known
    nationally.It turned out to be a lie.The anti White Americans Communist press, is now glorifying racist foul Sharpton,with his own anti-White America program.His foul Campaigning for his now globally proven, Liar-in-Chief,totally incompetent black, not qualified Candidate, was a disgrace to America.He proved that his kind votes for color, not intelligently,for qualification of the job.
    He is obviously an angry black,who might like to be sent back to Africa, where he can live among his own,and then probably relax.
    Go Sharpton,go.
