Monday, December 16, 2013

Lake Worth woman in Timeshare Fraud to be sentenced

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Lake Worth woman to be sentenced for fraud. We have so much crime in this little city. It's amazing.


  1. You're right. It's amazing. Where is the sheriff which of course it was the feds in this particular case. They all come to LW.

  2. And further to the anonymous poster who just likes the sound of his own rants, you said few read this blog. I had 1,711 hits yesterday (the day ends at 7pm) which is several hundred down from the norm.

  3. The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling!!! While it is always sad when people take advantage of or harm others, we real LW supporters know that way to much crime and dubious behavior that is reported as being perpetrated in or by some in LW, is actually performed by or happened out side of the city of LW. A quick and easy property records search shows that the person reported in the article actually lives in an unincorporated part of PBC. But for those to lazy to check, or more motivated to want to continue to make our town and our current administrative and elected public servants seem like they're just not doing enough, would rather keep fanning the flames that we're the place knuckleheads seem to live. The good news is there's just a small group of readers on blogs like this, but to many others have to read or see lazy reporting like this on mainstream news outlets. Lynn, I'm disappointed in you.

  4. She and Dennis are divorced. A simple search would have found that out. Dennis is the only owner now of that house. Who in the sh*& goes to the extreme to find a link with her name on it owning a property other than someone trying to cause a stir in the pot? She's a criminal and the simple truth is we do have way too much crime and way too many criminals in this city whether she lives in the city or not. Try focusing on fixing that problem.

  5. To Sky is Falling: Thanks for pointing out that she may live outside the city limits. It's rare when a reader takes so much time to research what I write in order to discredit me and defend the city. Perhaps one person slipped by; perhaps not.

  6. hey Sky--call your beloeved sheriff's dept immediately and ask them to patrol our damn streetgs. Thanks very much for your cooperation.

  7. Talk about heads in the sand. More people are on the Internet now and read blogs. You're so smart, Sky is Falling. How come you don't know that?

  8. 1,711 hits per day averages out to 1.2 hits per minute for a 24 hour period. Big B.S. on that one. If you had 50 people which seems like a lot checking your blog 3 times per day, which seems like a lot that would be 150 hits in a day.
    I get it-you use revisionist math

  9. Sounds like a lot of jealousy to me. Is this the revisionist blogger posting? On Dec 1, I had the most hits that I can recall--3,029. Sorry to burst your little bubble but some people actually do read this blog. I guess you do as well. :)

  10. Why didn't you add the the blogger to your poll? I would have voted for him. Maybe a poll on the commissioners.

  11. This blog is not done for sport or for personal attacks on fellow citizens. I even reject some comments on public figures here as they are below the belt or way too gross. This is for information only. You can either accept or reject it--your choice.
