Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lake Worth Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell has a Communications Plan

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The vice mayor wants money but no explanation on what he means about "communications." Will this money help him answer e-mails and phone calls?  Is that what he means by "communication plan?" Someone e-mail him and try and get an answer.

A Campaign Message from Lake Worth Commissioner Scott Maxwell

Dear Friends,

Now that we have launched my re-election campaign, I am counting on you to help me keep Lake Worth moving forward!

I'm proud of my work as your City Commissionerit is an honor to serve you and we have made great progress. Together, we are getting results on controlling development, protecting neighborhoods and getting our city's budget back on track - but there is more work to do.

We can't take anything for granted.  The stakes have never been higher for our community, and that's why we need to raise $12,500 by December 20th to fund the next phase of our communications plan.

So please help me today! We are starting off strong, but need the resources to get our positive message to every voter possible.

While new changes in Florida law now allow individuals and businesses to contribute up to $1000, I hope you will take a moment to contribute whatever you can.  $500, $250, or $50, any amount is appreciated!  

Thank you for your continued trust. Together, we will get the job done!

Scott Maxwell


  1. What specifically has he done to create progres for the CXity?
    Steve Carr latest Fiance Director, has single handedly placed oreder in our Finances.One major change(which one Scott) turned an important part of our Debt around! Lake Worth Waterfront(main attraction) golf Course is no longer waterfront, but edged with overgrown bushes some 15ft high.,an aspect which Palm Beach features for its' monetary value.
    Specifics, Scott specifics!!!Not all Lake Worth tax payers are simple minded.He fought against the recreation of Lake Worth most valuable asset,it's 1921 Mediterranean style Casino, now
    main attraction on our Palm Beach Island Ocean beach front.
    What have you done to make our swimming pool successful, like the new one in Wellington,with its' competent, business savvy Commission?

  2. " controlling development, protecting neighborhoods and getting our city's budget back on track "Lets see what Scott really means,,,,
    CONTROLLING DEVELOPMENT- means that if they donate to my campaign , I will ignore an election and let the developers do whatever that want to in Lake Worth.
    PROTECTING NEIGHBORHOODS-means that I will allow more low-income rentals into the city than at any other time in it's history. If someone is going to rob us, they might as well be residents.
    GETTING OUR BUDGET BACK ON TRACK-means that I will act as if I have absolutely no clue as to the meaning of the word BUDGET and push for a 100 million dollar tax burden for the residents that were stupid enough to vote foe me in the first place!

  3. there is no legal disclaimer on this message

  4. WTF is his communication plan? I want teeth?

  5. I am so glad you posted this with the links enabled. It made it very easy to make a contribution to Scott!

    Thank you so much!

  6. Maxwell wants to buy some teeth. Development teeth. He cars diddly about the residents here only his own ambition.

  7. I'm very disappointed in this commission, I won't be voting for any of them. Hopefully some new people run.

  8. Lake Worth Citizens are indebted for approx.$24,000,000,- for the City's vitally important R.O.well- water plant,to protect our water independence from big Monopoliesis price gauging, which buy up control of all water plants from American sucker-small Towns ,with corrupt Commissions.Lake Worth Commission signed control of our water supply plant, with a Contract behind Citizen taxpayers back(owners of that vitally important element for life)
    , over to Aqua America ,
    a huge profitable National Wall street listed Water Monopoly,a Corporation which sold that corrupt Lake Worth contract on the open market with a $100% profit,.How much did we get?
    To pay for construction of our R.O.plant,Scott ?
    Why did you not create progress by working with taxpayer Laurence McNamara, whose proposal to sell water not to a big Corp.for millions in bonuses of their execs.but for Lake Worth, which would have generated $3 million to $5 million revenue.You are not business savvy and give away responsibility for our assets by intending to sell them!!How much will Aqua America contribute to your Campaign for giving Lake Worth R.O.well water control, at a loss to us,, to an unknown National Conglomerate?Their executives get hundreds of millions in bonuses.(FPL Lew Hays gets $95,000,000.- and corrupt anti Lake Worth Citizens corrupt Commissions want to give our independent electric plant,becoming cheaper with time(as they are building Nuclear billions dollar plants),
    than Lew Hays' Monopoly
    ?Lake Worth population is 90%at or below poverty level a census showed..
    You want their Campaign contribution to strip them of all their assets?We have the highest millage rate in the County,your incompetence, contributed to.Too lazy to oversee their responsibly? We do not get fat from over activity!Lake Worth wake up!

  9. They always tell us how hard they are working for all of the people in LW but NOTHING EVER CHANGES. Scott, Pam and Andy, tell us why.

  10. Fellow Lake Worth tax payers: Scott Maxwel formerly of Burger King displays the type of behavior you get ,when incompetent people manage to be in Office too long,take credit for other people's achievements(suckers believe them).
    They are corrupted,self impressed,act,(though nobodies)
    as if high and mighty,and do not have to answer to the taxpayers,who payer their salaries,any citizens.
    Use your votes wisely, prudently fellow Lake Worth Citizens, who have the highest Millage rate in the County,result of incompetent Commissions.
