Monday, December 2, 2013

Jeff Clemens keeps sponsoring bills

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Sunshine State News said, Sen. Jeff Clemens filed measure SB 450 to expand Florida’s “Do Not Call” list to include text and electronic communications to the landline, mobile or Internet phone services. Currently, state law prohibits sales solicitation by telephone to numbers on the list. The Lake Worth Republican’s proposal would expand the definition to include other, more advanced communications apart from landline or cell phone calls.

BUT, but, but.....Clemens is a Democrat!

Read more... at St. Peters Blog.


  1. Has Clemens brought home any money for Lake Worth? We keep being told that we are broke. Has the Mayor or city manager held Clemens feet to the fire? The dais can whimper non-stop about how we are
    "ALMOST AS POOR AS BELLE GLADE BY GOD "in public. Can they call out Clemens and other representatives of our districts in public?
    And by the way, we seem to have an endless bank account to put towards-what else- CONSULTANTS ! Wasn't this the same thing that Suzanne Mulvehill and Joann Golden got beat up about?
    And one more thing off topic- If someone hangs a banner on the Gulfsteam saying something like
    "Only people wanting 45 feet maximum bldg. heights in our downtown get to go to heaven" - Will the city take a couple of weeks to take it down because of "legalities" ? Hmmmmm,,,,,,

  2. He has aspirations of being a US congressman just like mArk foley.
