Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Historic Mistake" - Iran Nuclear Pact

Saman Arbabi
Obama just released $8 billion of frozen assets to Iran. In addition, Iran will get another $7 billion in gold and oil sales under the Joint Plan of Action (Obama's agreement).  Iran issued a statement that its nuclear work would continue despite the relief from Obama and friends.

Read about it... at NewsMax.

Netanyahu and Israeli leaders denounced the interim Iranian nuclear pact signed by five world powers and the United States as an “historic mistake” saying that it does little to reverse Iran’s nuclear ambitions and instead" makes the world a more dangerous place."

By the agreement, Iran can manufacture components for its nuclear facilities off-site, as long as none of those components are installed. Also, the agreement does not provide a clear answer about whether or not Iran has a right to enrich uranium. It refers to Iran's "right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes" and in its first phase allows Iran to continue some enrichment activities. Source:  Wikipedia

Have you ever heard of negotiating with an enemy who said : "The real Iran is what the leader of Iran, Khamenei, said yesterday. He called Jews 'rabid dogs' and said that they were not human. The public responded to him with calls of 'Death to America! Death to Israel!’ Doesn’t this sound familiar to you? This is the real Iran! We are not confused. They must not have nuclear weapons. And I promise you that they will not have nuclear weapons." Benjamin Netanyahu

Read The Daily Beast and why it says that the Iranian Nuclear Deal is Dangerous

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