Thursday, December 26, 2013

Heights - Commission Insolence

We all get trounced upon--not only nationally but at the local level where decisions hit us right between the eyes at a much more personal level.

The city commission wants what it wants. Seldom do they ever contact other citizens to get a feel to what they are thinking.  We had an election in March and they said, "so what?" They don't have time to return phone calls or e-mails or just plain don't think they need to. They insulate themselves with their core group and they feel safe in their decisions. They admit that we are a city poorer than dirt and then turn around and nearly demand that every taxpayer in the city go along with their wish list consisting of horrendous debt possibly for 30 years on roads infrastructure. They want to develop the Park of Commerce and as such, want the citizens to pay for acquiring the land and the infrastructure for developers! Also, they rely on the fact that few in this city really know what in the hell is going on and believe that those who oppose them just are uninformed with few brain cells or are being used as "tools." They also like to blame past commissions for everything.

The most flagrant example of insolence was on the heights election--"based on the City Attorney’s opinion of July 2, 2013 on the recent changes to the Florida Statutes regarding citizen initiated referenda, the revised LDRs include provisions for a Hotel Overlay District east of Federal Highway in the Downtown Zoning District. The overlay district allows for a six (6) story, sixty-five foot (65’) building if a fifty (50) room hotel is included as part of the project as well as satisfying the requirements of the Sustainable Bonus Incentive Program."

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