Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hard-Ball in Lake Worth?

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Palm Beach Mobile Home Park, 300 Cypress Drive, Lake Worth

According to the map, this is located in the Park of Commerce area off of Boutwell Road, an area that is a pipe dream of this commission.

This is what our city is doing to folks. The owner of this park does not want to sell his property but some of the residents say they are being given a hard time from the City of Lake Worth, being denied making improvements to their mobile homes.  Zoning has changed to industrial they say.

Read about it...


  1. If the city is doing this then they do have intentions to take this property one way or another. It is a complete disgrace. They are not being honest. This is what we have become in this city so that maxwell can put it on his resume that he brought in jobs or some damn thing. Include the entire commission here. This is the time for ANYONE TO RUN, anyone. It's shameful.

  2. Wow...the city finally starts to do something to clean up some of the worst eyesores in the city and people complain. This particular trailer park is a haven for every possible criminal activity you can think of, shootings, prostitution, child neglect, drug dealing, etc. All right next to a Tri-Rail stop. You can't cry you want reduction of crime and blight and in the same breath criticize our elected officials for doing just that. Nobody is trying to take away anyones property but yes, thank God, ordinances and codes are finally being set in place that will avoid SLUMLORDS from being successful in our city, I have walked through that trailer park, was helping a family with translations, and the majority are in sub-standard disgusting conditions where I would not want my dog living.

    Merry Christmas,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  3. Are you talking about the same mobile home park that this is about? The park off of Boutwell is not that way at all. Now if you want to discuss orange Grove on 6th, that's another story altogether.

  4. Mark, your loyalty to the city code enforcement dept is admirable but once again, you sound off and you have no clue. The mobile home park you are talking about must be the one on Lake Wroth Road near the RR tracks and it is a dump. Lynn, the one on 6th Avenue South is also atrocious and something needs to be done about it. It is also true that the city has designs on acquiring the property on Boutwell Road which is primarily made up of snowbirds and older people.

  5. Isn't Mr. P on the planning board. No wonder he's so defensive. No wonder our city is in so much trouble.

  6. I don't think this is specific to LW in that many mobile home property owners and many mobile home parks are being redeveloped as this type of housing is generally not safe for South Florida.

  7. What this IS about, anonymous, is this commission wanting to grab the property in the Park of Commerce. They are building "affordable" rentals right now and this mobile home park has withstood many hurricanes. This IS affordable housing for the snowbirds and Seniors and the working middle class who live there.

  8. Actually I have been in that park and I have never seen blight. Tt is very well kept. What are you talking about, Mark? I would imagine that they don't want owners there spending any money on improvements as they want it all torn down. in this way, they can't get sued down the line. It is amazing that no one from there stood up to the city on the zoning change. Let's go into Scott Maxwell's neighborhood and change the zoning to industrial. See how that would fly.

  9. Wow, I didn't realize that in Lake Worth one isn't allow to make a mistake about a location. Irregardless, the same codes apply to the gutter trailer park I was referring to. Anonymous, yes you are so brilliant and revealed my sinister plan to destroy Lake Worth by being one of SEVEN voting members of the Planning and Zoning board. The level of stupidity in some of these comments prompts me to repeat something I have posted in the past..."If stupidity had a monetary value there would be more billionaires in Lake Worth than on the island of Palm Beach. I am honored and proud of the work I do on the P&Z taking every case seriously and going above and beyond researching each case and reading ALL the back up. Instead of always throwing daggers at those who are making a difference step up to the plate and roll up your sleeves and actually do something to improve the quality of life in our city. Any changes that recently happened have been more than duly noticed to the public and ironically so many opinions from the peanut gallery but not one at a Planning & Zoning Board meeting to share their input where it would actually mean something. Berating others after the fact seem to be something so many in this city have a lot of experience in always from the ones never seen at a volunteer clean up, commission meeting (unless its something divisive of course, then there is standing room only. Learn to crochet or take a craft class at the senior center.

    Mark A. Parrilla

    P.S. I am calling PBSO on myself for getting the trailer park location wrong, crime is just out of control! LOL!

  10. What senior center? The one they took away from the seniors and gave to you? I pick up my trash and I will leave all the rest to do gooders like you.

  11. Calm down Mark, your world famous histrionics are getting old.

    By the way "Irregardless" is not really a word, look it up!

  12. that's interesting.

  13. Here is the last sentence from the Merriam - Webster entry you reference; Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

  14. At least you coward anonymous posters are amusing and cause an occassional fit of mirth, that's it, nothing else. I bet you had to look that word up at as well. Merry Christmas, may Santa bring you a brain and a personality and some courage for Chrismas.

    I don't know why you would say they gave me the senior center if they had it would still be a senior center. I have no need for any of COMPASS services that they offer.

  15. It goes with the territory. That is why there are so many anonymous posters. If you put yourself out there and have an opinion on anything, you will be slammed by someone, anonymously, of course. Cyber bullying is prevalent in Lake Worth and anonymous makes it very easy for me, I know. You could be Mother Teresa and be called a "ho."

  16. You are right Lynn and they are worthy of nothing more than a small portion of pity and a prayer that they may one day be able to feel good about what they see in the mirror without having to put someone else down. Their anonymous verbal disentery must make them spend quite a bit of money on Charmin!

    Mark Anthony Parrilla
