Monday, December 23, 2013

Getting a new face

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Someone ask the owners of 15 N 'O' Street if they were behind the downtown planter painting.  And this is in the historical district!



and it's not finished. Owners plan on painting both buildings with
vibrant colors. There is no painting color code any longer in Lake Worth.

If you recall, the owners asked to put up a 6 foot high fence around their property because people were walking across their yard.  There is barely a set-back on Lucerne.


  1. Anything goes in this city,,,if you don't let owners do what they want, they sue,,, That's life and this commission allows all this stuff.

  2. I would rather have a 6 story brand new hotel with proper setbacks than that ugly building. I don't care what color it is. It does nothing to help our business district on Lucerne or our downtown. Thanks for pointing this mess out to us.

  3. Actually it is not a mess. It is well maintained and residential property. It adds to the downtown because it is so well kept.

    As far as a 6 story hotel, would you just find one developer who is the least bit interested in coming into Lake Worth to build anything besides affordable housing? Just one.

  4. Yikes ! Maybe it looks better in person. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder! I guess it's better than having a bldg. covered in graffiti! At least the owner is maintaining their property.

  5. I've seen this in person, and actually it doesn't look bad. It sorta has a island feel.

  6. It's a beautiful color. A Caribbean color, yes. I liked the crisp white. But this looks great, too. People, cut out the neutral shades. Olive green and beige look bad here in the subtropics. Colors like this one lift us up.

  7. When this first started happening in this city, it was the Hispanic influence. Then Cara Jennings and commission did away with color codes. I hated these houses that were being painted tomato red, etc. Now I am used to it and luckily there are not too many of them, IMO and there are still people who like traditional and subdued colors.
