Sunday, December 22, 2013

Genesis Neighborhood Association will paint home of lucky winner

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to all our residents in the Genesis Neighborhood
and the rest of our City

2014 will be our best year so far in the five years of organized community improvement efforts and activities.  We have partnered with Signature Excelerated HealthCare to provide a home painting for a lucky 55+ home owner senior in our community.  He or she must own and live in their home and the home must be located within the Genesis Neighborhood Association boundaries which are between I95 to Dixie Highway and between 6th Avenue South and 12th Avenue South.  They may submit a request for consideration via email or send a message through our Facebook Page link" Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc.

 You may also call me, Mark A. Parrilla, President of Genesis Neighborhood Association @ 561.201.2851 and verbally submit your request.  The last day to submit a request will be January 31, 2014.  We will ask Mayor Pam Triolo to extract a name at the February 2014 Commission Meeting, if that name meets the eligibility requirements we will contact the homeowner to schedule the free painting of their home.  Signature has volunteered to purchase the paint (colors the owner shall be allowed to choose) and will be providing their staff as volunteers, along with myself, to paint the lucky winners home.

This is how we wanted to start the 2014 New Year sending the message to our residents and members that we are still going strong as a neighborhood association and that our priority for 2014 is to better service our senior and children community.  We have had our Letter of Intent and Grant Application accepted for the "2014 America's Next Top Neighborhood Grant"  where we have applied for funds for a "Genesis Children's Community Park" within our boundaries.  Stay tuned!


  1. I am confused. I live in what once was Genesis NA. It really is disbanded and its once president is the only officer. There has not been a meeting in years. In fact the self proclaimed president has not lived in what was Genesis for years. What is going on?

  2. LOL, Dear Confused,

    Here are some facts that will "with minimal effort on your part" disband your "confusion". You live in what is still, legally, Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc. I really is not disbanded because it hasn't had a meeting in two years and I have not lived within the boundaries in over three now. Genesis bylaws permit the Chairman of the Board and/or President of Genesis to live at-large. I lived two years in Tropical Ridge and as of August a resident and member of Bryant Park Neighborhood Association. There are three officers on the Genesis board of directors, the required legal number. Genesis has secured commercial office space in the soon to be built "La Joya Villages" a rental community that will be built on 6th avenue south and F street. Genesis is in the running for a grant for a children's park within our boundaries, stay tuned. The first meeting of 2014 will be announced right after the New Year be watching your mailbox for a mailer or CBS12 Channel News which may announce our next meeting as well, still working on that. I hope that answers all your "what is going on questions" . If you have any other questions I can answer them directly just submit them to the email that Lynn so graciously posted along with our first Media Press of many to come in 2014. Sorry if I disappointed you about Genesis being disbanded but that won't happen until the day I die. I made a commitment to the neighborhood that I will continue to keep as long as The Lord continues to bless me with the strength to do so.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    Genesis Neighborhood Association, Inc.

  3. Just seems odd that the President of a NA wouldn't live within that NA's own boundaries.

    I truly wonder what political points he is trying to get out of this.

  4. If you want to call it odd that is fine. Everyone has a right to an opinion. My mother owns a home in the Genesis neighborhood, I have vested interest in the Solar Sancturary which is in the Genesis Neighborhood. I chose to incorporate and start Genesis in 2009-2010 because there had never been a legal, incorporated active neighborhood associaiton that welcomed representing this area. We now have one that embraces ALL the diverse cultures that make up the Genesis neighborhood. You may wonder all you like about political points, only time will show that whatever time you are investing in that wondering, will be time wasted. I have been able to do what I am passionate about without throwing my hat into the ego based political arena that can be be so ugly and cruel to the best intentioned people. To care about the improvement of ones surroundings and leaving a neighborhood a little better off than before you got there does not equate into political aspirations. I have a very joyful blessed life, I am about to marry the man of my dream in May in NYC and in June at the Lake Worth Beach Casino Ballroom, own my own company and 50% partner in a new venture that is going so well, health is great, regularly working out at a gym with a trainer, etc. My life is so full and rewarding right now I don't have time for the political bs that constantly plays out in this city. I love the city of Lake Worth and I will continue to fight for the most underserved area of it, plain and simple. It was how I was raised, I thank my amazing Nana for the example of giving from the heart and helping others. Genesis has also started on a major project of acquiring funds for a fence around the Pinecrest Cemetery.

    I am sure the senior who wins the free home painting won't care much about someone else wondering about how odd it is the President of Genesis doesn't live in the neighborhood yet he gets more done for the neighborhood than ANYONE else who does live there, including you anonymous!!!

    Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    'Tis the season...

  5. 9:51, actually you have not done anything for Genesis.There are no members or officers that you can name When was our last meeting? This is a publicity stunt like Thanksgiving. Is Channel 12 on the way?

  6. Whatever you say will continue to be irrelevant. I will continue to do what I do and I won't engage you any more, I don't have enough time for anonymous cowards, too busy getting stuff done. Make sure to send me your email, I most likely already have it, kimosabe, and I will make sure you get an invite to the Genesis Community Center Ribbon Cutting.

    God Bless,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  7. all your comments are way overstated. good bs, you should run for office. oh, you did for about 3 min.

  8. OMG, even at Christmas the snide remarks continue. Feel proud?
