Tuesday, December 10, 2013

City of Lake Worth Business License and Lake Worth's 20/20 Vision

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Tonight, the city has called a special meeting in order to create a two (2) part city business license called a “City of Lake Worth Business License” which consists of a local business tax receipt and use and occupancy certificate for all businesses that directly or indirectly conduct any business in the City limits.

Sec. 14-1. City of Lake Worth Business License.
It shall be unlawful for any person, or business, either directly or indirectly, to engage in or to conduct any business, profession or occupation as defined by this article, in the city, without first making application for, and having obtained a City of Lake Worth Business License. A City of Lake Worth Business License shall consist of a local business tax receipt as provided for in this article; and, a use and occupancy certificate as provided for in chapter 14,article II, of this code.

After this is over with the commission voting unanimously, we will, once again, see a presentation on Lake Worth 2020--the city's wish to repair half of the roads in this town, alleys, easements, sidewalks and street lighting.  We all will agree that we have big problems with our roads infrastructure and the potholes went from bad to ridiculous. Driving down 2nd Avenue South is not a pleasant experience. But what all property owners want to know is what this "vision" or wish list will cost and for how long will owners be paying?

Not a Lake Worth pothole but it could be!


  1. See how it worked for Jefferson County Alabama! Ugh!


  2. Check into how legal levying this tax would be. The Use & Occupancy program has always been a failure. Also check:
    205.043 Conditions for levy; municipalities.—
    (1) The following conditions are imposed on the authority of a municipal governing body to levy a business tax:
    (b) Unless the municipality implements s. 205.0535 or adopts a new business tax ordinance under s. 205.0315, a business tax levied under this subsection may not exceed the rate in effect in the municipality for the year beginning October 1, 1971; however, beginning October 1, 1980, the municipal governing body may increase business taxes authorized by this chapter. The amount of the increase above the tax rate levied on October 1, 1971, for taxes levied at a flat rate may be up to 100 percent for business taxes that are $100 or less; 50 percent for business taxes that are between $101 and $300; and 25 percent for business taxes that are more than $300. Beginning October 1, 1982, an increase may not exceed 25 percent for taxes levied at graduated or per unit rates. Authority to increase business taxes does not apply to receipts or licenses granted to any utility franchised by the municipality for which a franchise fee is paid.

  3. We already had a business license law/ordinance. What is the point of passing another one. The people who follow the rules will continue to comply and follow the rules but the rest who don't won't. New laws are not going to change that.
