Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Alleys and Easements -The Lake Worth Vision

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Last night was a discussion on Lake Worth 2020, the city's plan to redo half of the infrastructure within the city of Lake Worth, and a brief synopsis of the various areas it will entail. This is just another one among many discussions that the city will have on this humongous project, a vision ending close to 2030 if you throw in the Park of Commerce and if all goes as planned. Also cost was not touched upon with the Vice Mayor asking for silence on that important issue as no one can give an accurate cost estimate at this point until all of the studies and cost analyses are completed. Ever since the Palm Beach Post came out with a possible $100 million estimate, it has been a thorn in the city's side.

Some of you are actually drinking water out of a pipe that looks like the above...rusted carbon steel. We were assured that it is not injurious to our health because of chlorination.

As Lake Worth is dependent upon alley and easement access, city manager Bornstein said they need to develop a policy.  "It is not our intent to come in like a raging bull," he said.

The alleyway water piping improvements will involve a total of 18.6 miles and will improve approximately 2,800 properties. Easement piping will be replaced in 8.4 miles that are near to impossible to access that will improve 1,030 properties including an additional 11 miles of easements that have easy access. The pipes consist of 2", 3" and 4" piping that will be replaced with PVC plastic piping. Although it was said the pvc  has a "good life", there was no indication as to how lengthy that life would be.


  1. And just WHO will be paying for all of this? Will this be dumped on the backs of 25 % of the population here who actually pay any taxes? And who will be ACOUNTING for all of these millions? The city did SUCH a great job of receipt keeping when GREATER BAY "DID" the pool. They really
    "DID" all of us, buts that's another story,,,,And remember the great estimates by city staff on the Bryant Park project ?
    STAFF: IT WILL COST 250,000.
    Sorry, but NO WAY is this tax payer giving these people a 100 MILLION cookie jar to put their sticky little fingers into !!!

  2. This seems like the type of project that will require a bond, how that bond will be paid back is another question. We clearly do need to spend money on improving our infrastructure, the need is great.

  3. The need was great 20 years ago. At this point it's critical. It's only a matter of time before the city really starts falling apart and the cost will be much higher. Of course ms. obtuse blogger here has no "vision" and thinks nothing should be done. Typical. Instead of taxing property owners, everyone should be assessed an equal amount. This way ms. obtuse blogger will have to pay the same amount as some of her dirty dozen friends on Lakeside and Palm way.

  4. First of all, you continue with the name calling. This just shows your total ignorance.
    Next, I have never said I was against it or that nothing should be done. This will be decided by THE VOTERS, unless of course this commission figures out a way to make the election results null.

    In addition, you cannot tax someone living in a $30,000 property compared to a $million dollar property the same amount. That would be a totally an unfair tax. I thought you Dems were "fair." That is why personal income taxes are taxed on the amount you make at a fair percentage and those on a poverty income are not taxed at all.

    Let's get real before you start calling people names and displaying your hatred towards me. Suck it up. You guys with property values will be paying the tab and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person than the one who continues to complain about ad valorem. I just love the idea of if it getting voted in by all of the dirty dozen who support it and the commissioners they support.

  5. Assessment according to feet of frontage (or in the rear in case of alleyways)on ad valorem is fair to all. It has nothing to do with the value of a home, but the cost of materials used.

  6. How do you figure that is fair, anonymous at 4:56? This city government wants to rebuild the infrastructure of an entire city--a costly endeavor. The area having the biggest pipe problems is College Park. Do you want to pay for all their piping infrastructure when yours is ok?
    Where I live is private roads with the frontage on a County Road.
    Iit's a big mess, that's for sure.

  7. Anony at 4:56 you sound like a gentleman and a scholar and probably a socialist or a communist. When everyone has the same income in this city and has the same value of property and has the same ability to pay, then perhaps your argument might fly. In the meantime, it is on property value. That's the way it is and the only fair way. Too bad.
