Thursday, December 5, 2013

Allen West: No lead; No bullets

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So America, back door gun control is moving forward and while we are all distracted with Obamacare and Iran nuclear negotiations, our Second Amendment rights are undergoing an assault by clandestine infiltration. Remember we reported on this website the gun registration actions being undertaken in Washington DC. Barack Obama and his progressive socialist acolytes are quite savvy at political chess. He is seeking to outflank, envelope, and destroy the Second Amendment.

Read what Allen West has to say, No lead, No bullets.

1 comment:

  1. Love Allen West, but he is wrong to include Doe Run and bullets in the same paper. You see, Doe Run smelters pure lead and bullets are made from recycled lead car batteries. Pure lead goes into such things as medical devices. That said, the administration is attempting to back-door the bullet industry and many of us are researching a lead substitute.
