Monday, November 25, 2013

Willie Howard, a Class Act

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As most all of you know, Willie was our reporter here in Lake Worth for many years, always attending city commission meetings and reporting on the commission decisions that affected all of our lives.  We have had some doozies.  His assignment was changed this past Summer and he began to cover the Palm Beach Gardens area. Announced in October, he is now taking early retirement.

Willie is an outdoorsman and as such he wrote his last outdoors column for the Palm Beach Post. It appeared in yesterday's Outdoor World. Read the article to learn about the photography exhibit now at the Cultural Council entitled "The Deep and the Shallow: Photographers Exploring a Watery World."

Willie said, "This is my final outdoors column for the Palm Beach Post. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to write about many aspects of Florida's outdoors for The Post since 1996, a job that included traveling to out-of-the-way places and meeting many people I still consider friends. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their stories and their expertise. See you on the water or in the woods."

We all will miss Willie.

1 comment:

  1. And now we are stuck with a loser like Looney Lona !!!No wonder the Post is in the crapper !
