Monday, November 4, 2013

So much for Liberals and Planners - Detroit's Demise

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Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr is returning to court as a witness in the sixth day of the city's bankruptcy trial.

Old video but applies more than ever today.  And the last I looked, we still had graffiti in our downtown. We continue to give away or lease away valuable properties to non-profits and we encourage affordable housing.  No problem trying to grab federal grant money...we do it willfully. No problem for this commission in trying to make our entire city an enterprise zone to encourage development in blighted neighborhoods through tax and regulatory relief to entrepreneurs and investors who launch businesses in our city. We are attracting more and more poor.  We compare ourselves to BelleGlade...why not Detroit...does that come next? We give a waiver to anyone who asks that wants to sell beer and wine. We spend a fortune on policing and still have tons of crime. This video is about the fall of Detroit but we are following their plan.


  1. There are more and more complaints about this commission. They said that they were business men and women. NOT.

  2. The only complaints about this commission are found right here on this loser blog. Losers complaining? No big deal your votes don't count anyway!

  3. Hopefully that will all change. And if it doesn't, it will prove that you can't fight city is all too corrupt with people like you.

  4. Was that an adult at 11:52 posting here? Sounds like one big mouthed baby.

  5. I read a previous post where a woman named Katie thought a more apt comparison was Lake Worth and Palm Beach.

  6. You took that out of context. Reading comprehension is not your strong point I see. :)
