Sunday, November 17, 2013

Quote of the Day - Rush Limbaugh - My God, Oprah

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“He (Obama) just told the biggest presidential whopper in history and he’s trying to cover his rear end for it telling other lies...but, Oprah, if black people in this country are so mistreated and so disrespected, how in the name of Sam Hill did you happen?  Would somebody explain that to me?”

~ Rush Limbaugh 

Rush spoke after Oprah's statement regarding Obama and the backlash to Obamacare when Oprah said, “I think that there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African-American. There’s no question about that. And it’s the kind of thing that nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.” So I will repeat Rush's statement, "My God, Oprah."


  1. My God Lynn, you really have no idea how bigoted this statement is do you?

  2. Are you talking about Oprah's statement? I agree with you on that one. She is flat wrong and fueling fires that should not and are not burning at all excepting in her inflammatory statements.

  3. So Lynn when are you joining the Republican Club, loved you comment on the side of the blog.

  4. It's not worth my time to do so. As long as I can vote and THAT VOTE COUNTS, that is all that matters to me. You see, there are snakes in every Party but right now, it is the liberals who dominate the pit.

  5. Ok...all you liberals like to hurl names and insults. Now I am a bigot in your eyes. Because I have a different view of the world than do you? I definitely have my own views. The one thing I am NOT, is a racist. Is that what you are? Isn't that the favorite personal attack or perhaps the ONLY personal attack you have here?

  6. o.k. you are not a racist. And that photo of you on the right side of your blog, the one where you have no wrinkles is not photo shopped. And there are no ghost writers on "your" blog. And you never lie. Shall I continue or do you, despite your obtuse nature get the point?

  7. The photo of me appears on this link taken by Annamaria.
    Get the point?

    Next, there are no ghost writers on this blog. There are guest bloggers from time to time. That is noted. I don't need a lot of help like some people do. This is MY blog; I write it.

    I never lie. That is true. You got one right. I do, however, get your point. You don't like me and I am sure the feeling is mutual.

    Please use another grown-up word and grow up. Thanks.

  8. What a bunch of really mean nasty people in this city. 12:37-must be someone in that Gulfstream pac or the other blogger. They love to hate and have nothing nice to say about anything when it pertains to you, Lynn.

  9. That's true. If it weren't for all us racist white folks, she wouldn't have become a success in America or at least to the extent she is now--a billionaire. Can you even imagine if all the white folks changed the channel when her face appeared? Can you imagine that Obama would be president today if all we "whities" were racist bigots?
