Friday, November 22, 2013

Panama - Surfing, Swimming, Snorkeling

Lonely Planet says, Bocas serves as a convenient base for exploring the archipelago as taxis marinos (water taxis) ply the waters, and can whisk you away to remote beaches and snorkeling sites for a few dollars. However, as most travelers learn after spending their first few days idly wandering the streets, the allure of Bocas is simply slowing down and soaking up the Caribbean vibes. Read more...

Well, some people get to do exciting things and go on vacations allowing them to get their minds off of the stuff that daily can take a toll. Surfing, swimming and snorkeling in beautiful settings in a different place, with different people and new perspectives can take all that stress away. 

A few of our Lake Worth friends traveled to Panama, visiting cities that were tourist friendly.  The beaches are described as warm, sandy, gorgeous, palm tree-lined with little tiendas selling fish and beer...probably 30-40 different corals, all colors from deep yellow to lavender, every fish you can imagine, squid, rays, conch (live conch), anemones in as many varieties as the fish and corals--a snorklers dream.

Following are a few photos that were taken in Bocas Del Toro.

Morning in Bocas Del Toro


View from the room

One thing that is different in that city compared to Lake Worth is that the crime rate in general in Bocas Del Toro is very low although there are incidences of property theft from homes, condos and boats - crimes of opportunity. 

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