Tuesday, November 19, 2013

League of Cities - Scott Maxwell

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Palm Beach County League of Cities
Vice Mayor
Scott Maxwell
City of Lake Worth

All Across America Cities Lead
The 2013 Congress of Cities and Exposition showcased the dynamic ways cities are driving change and finding successful solutions to the most pressing challenges in local government. City Officials and staff from across the country came together in Seattle, Washington for a unique opportunity to share best practices and learn strategies to promote local economic and financial health, improve the built and natural environment, and ensure quality of life for all city residents. And Scott Maxwell and Andy Amoroso both did just that by attending the National League of Cities Convention in Seattle on November 12 - 16. They were among 7,000 attendees.  In speaking with Scott Maxwell about his experience, he said, "It was a great way to network and there was a wealth of information at the various seminars including one on ObamaCare and how it's 'supposed' to work." 

No sooner does Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell get back from Seattle, then he's scheduled for another League of Cities trip, this time to Orlando for the Florida League of Cities--League’s 53rd Annual Legislative Conference -- November 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport. The second of the League’s annual meetings, this important conference sets our legislative policies and priorities for the upcoming session of the Legislature. Over the course of the two-day meeting, Maxwell will hear speakers at general sessions, participate in workshops and attend legislative policy committee meetings.

City Hall has assured me that the city commission meeting was canceled tonight only because of the "holidays."


  1. How much does this cost us? What are the TANGIBLE/MONEY AMOUNTS to the city of Lake Worth benefits of these trips? In these troubled times I don't see the rational for all of these trips. Once a year, maybe.

  2. He'll get to hear what our illustrious state senator is doing.

  3. It looks like Maxwells political dreams are being funded by L.W. Seattle, I guess nothing available closer to home. We need Mary Lindsey on the dais. I think she has a knowledge of how to turn things around in this city. Plus she is fair and hard working, not to mention always prepared.

  4. looks like the big poohbah let his Men's Hair Club membership lapse again.

  5. Mary is hard working and cares, she would be good for this city on the Dias, she already does so much more than any of the elected officials or CM, she also responds to emails which is a plus. I wonder if she would change if she was elected to office like so many others do?

  6. These conferences are a joke anyway, they have all these session, but so few people actual go to them, it is all for show, political. Scott probably hangs at the bar or out on the comfy sofas at the hotel or convention center and does very little actually attending sessions at the conference, I just can't see him. Especially someone like him who already thinks he knows everything. Heck, Scott always says how he is a member of Sacred Heart Church, but know one has seen him step a foot in the church in a real long time, it is not like he attends mass each week, he is a joke. Maybe he should to go to confession for his fowl mouth, every other word he speaks is the f word or some other swear word. He is all for show, he says a lot but does nothing, what has he ever done about blight? He says that is his big issue, but does nothing. Actions speak louder than words Scott!
