Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hydrant flushing in College Park

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M. Hill photo

Periodically, you will see city personnel releasing water from hydrants. Hydrant flushing is necessary to test the hydrants to make sure adequate flow and pressure is available. Flushing is also done to remove sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes.


  1. Can we coordinate the flushing with filling of water trucks that take care of the plantings?

  2. That's a pretty good idea!
    Laurence should take this up with the city to find out if this is logistically possible.

  3. Isn't that where all the smart people live. If you live anywhere else you are crap or part of the problem?

  4. It makes GREAT sense. "…Logistically possible…" PA'LEESE all you have to do is attach a hose and have the water fill the tanks on the truck that goes around town handwatering foliage.

    H20ingly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  5. Starting with 9:12, these are some of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read. Mark, attach a hose, Laurence fill water trucks? What are you smoking?

  6. Looks like you, anony @ 10:51 is the ONLY one in sync with the world. congratulations.

  7. Thank you 11:09, like 10:20 said, where the smart people live.
