Friday, November 15, 2013

Holiday Inn Express coming to Lake Worth

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The night of the ROLOH meeting, City Manager, Michael Bornstein, announced that a Holiday Inn Express will be developed on the corner of Boutwell Road and 10th Avenue North in Lake Worth. No details were given.

Back in January 2012 at the Tri-Board meeting that everyone wants to conveniently forget, all heights throughout the city were discussed and consensus given on all.  One discussion was the Park of Commerce.  The P&Z wanted 6 Stories at 65 Feet and Staff Recommended that it be 4 stories and 45 feet. Staff had determined that the Infrastructure Study indicated that it would not support P&Z Recommendation. The consensus was that we needed to tweak the infrastructure plan to allow the higher as suggested by P&Z. As far as I recall, that never happened.


  1. Mr. Sibia, the builder of the contraversial hotel in Boynton on Congress is planning to build here. Hope he finds a friendlier environment here. Welcome to Lake Worth Mr. Sibia!

  2. Boutwell and 10th has ZERO residential properties surrounding it other than some at a distance on the north side of 10th. This should be a great location for a Holiday Inn Express.

  3. Are they going to build higher than 4 stories? As I recall the Gulfstream at one time was a Holiday Inn, they did not make it here in Lake Worth....

  4. This hotel has had problems "making it" ever since it was built back as far as when Golfview Road was called Q Street. Going through several bankruptcies and owners through the years, it is a shame that the present owner bought too high and the market tanked. It languishes and he and his legal counsel continue the games.

  5. This is the same P&Z board that this commission replaced. Their heights recommendations were not in their developer backed agenda.
