Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dr. David Simon getting national attention

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Dr. David Simon is now national news, his story picked up by The Huffington Post.   Loretta Sharpe just can't believe the charges as she says she has gone to Dr. Simon for 27 years and she was a "knock-out" when she was 27 years younger.  I guess Dr. Simon didn't think she was a bad girl.

Click link above to see the video.


  1. It's all about the vibes. And I'm sure that our little Loretta was not putting out hooker vibes!

  2. The doctor admitted he did it but Loretta just can't believe it. Sounds about right.

  3. The illegal banner queen?
    Narcissistic personality disorder treated for 27 years??????????????????????

  4. LOL, that was funny!
