Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Destructive pests threaten the neighborhood

Comment Up

GUEST BLOGGER President of ROLOH, says:

826 Sunset Drive needs to be torn down not boarded up as satellite images show many holes in the roof which indicates i'ts caving in.  Also since they do not keep this "mowed" on a regular basis they are running vermin such as raccoons all over the neighborhood.  This has caused thousands of dollars in damages to homes--from several homes having their roofs ripped open to others having their side vents ripped open by raccoons trying to find a "new" home.  (5 homes that we know of so far and as we drive the neighborhood I'm sure we will find others.)

If the Sunset owners do not wish to provide continued maintenance then they should simply forfeit the property and move on.  One of the houses on the Sunset Property clearly has holes in the roof.  The other structures should be inspected for hazardous materials.  If the one small structure is a well, is it capped?  Another structure past the barn also appears to have holes in the roof.  What are the three round objects in the attached image?

Save Our Neighborhood, a political action committee that began about eight years ago to save the ROLOH neighborhood residential Single Family 7 zoning from upzoning, is still in effect. It was over the 826 Sunset parcel that was bought by out-of-town land speculators. The property languishes as the owners constantly threaten a law suit to get the upzoning they desire. But like everything else in Lake Worth, the property has been abandoned over all of these years and is now rapidly deteriorating causing untold problems throughout the neighborhood, especially the nearby houses located on adjacent streets.

Vermin and racoons have resided on and about the property and it has been suggested that they have literally taken over its occupancy. Raccoons look for weak spots on a house to get through and start their family and multiply. There are plenty of weak spots as depicted above. The only solution the neighborhood now has is to capture these animals themselves and then when that is done, hope that the city will enforce its code and make sure the property is maintained. Raccoons can also be a health hazard if in or around your house.  Raccoons may leave millions of roundworm eggs in their feces and after a month they develop to the infective stage. 

A raccoon invasion 
Raccoons love abandoned houses

William Waters responded:
Mr. Waples:
We are in contact with the owners through Code Compliance and are following up with the order for Board & Secure. We will have to inspect the board & secure to approve the final certificate at which time we would have the legal opportunity to go on the property itself and assess the building. A board & secure requires that all openings are secure not just doors and windows. We will not be able to final the board & secure unless all the openings including the ones in the roof are secured. Based on the extent of the deterioration, the owners may decide to demolish verses secure. We will keep you apprised of their response and it will go to the Special Magistrate should they not respond as a notice of violation has been prepared and has been filed. Thank you.
William Waters, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C


  1. A once wonderful house on this property, the new owners have allowed this to happen. What a tragedy.

  2. putting road and sidewalk repair before blight is irresponsible of this administration. Why do we keep electing people who allow our neighbors to live with this.

  3. There is a simple solution for this
    property's ownership.The present owners obviously are committing Demolition by Neglect.(Michael look this up,with penalties!)he wants then a permit to demolish and sell the land,most desirable because of its' location on a hill,which would lend spectacular views to Townhomes, earlier exposed,
    to a developer,he already has in place!!!Not everyone in Lake Worth is asleep.If anyone member of the present administration knows what this means and what Juris Diction the City has,in such case,this would have been resolved.Mr.Waters can only advise, people.He is a preservationist of Historic architectural jewels in Lake Worth.He has earned all his tiles with diligent study and hunger for knowledge about all aspects of the architectural,artistic, industry!
    The condition of this valuable house, is an affront to his professional sensitivities, and person.I have the building Code book replica.

  4. A federal Grant, available to all small towns with sub standard living
    conditions,a 90% at or below poverty level population, as a census showed, like Lake Worth.
    This grant is to be apllied to infra srtructure restoration.
    It is easier to grand stand and throw around millions, these irresponsibles want to burden the few taxpayers with their delusions of grandeur, an unnecassary unaffordable debt!

  5. Maxwell is only sitting for the label Commissioner, has contradicted the Re-Construction of the now pride of lake Worth, the 1921 Mediterranean style Casino for 10 years, to prevent a project which will generate revenue.
    Which revenue generating project has Maxwell delivered so far. We know of several, with City assets!!Egos of small people,elected

  6. 10:36, sorry I do not understand your comments.

  7. I'd like to know how anyone got a response from code or Mr. Walters? I've been trying to get code to open a case on a property near our rental property for years. Even a murder has not gotten a response. My husband boards up the property every 6 months or so (at our expense).

  8. The rumor is that Ray Smith took FEMA money after the hurricanes to fix the roof of the house on the Sunset property but that he never used the money for the repair.

  9. Mr. Waters response is spot on, the city has legalities that they must follow to address issues and can not just stampede in with some "emergency" action.

    I believe 100% in our City staff including Mr. Waters that these issues will be resolved.


    Robert Waples
    President of ROLOH

  10. Thanks for the politically correct response. This neglect has been ongoing for years.

  11. Well Robert, you jumped out there and represented your neighbors, saw things get a little hot and retreated back into your wishy washy self.

  12. To Anon 3:33 almost the same words that Lynn would say at 12:23 i'm not surprised by your comment because your a coward to not post your name. A coward is a Coward I Always sign my name.

    To Lynn the "PC" comment I made is based on fact that I received in private messages I received from staff that I would never share with the public to betray my trust with the city. I appreciate that you at least "Acknowledge" my comments but I'm not a "GUEST" blogger. We do not see eye to eye on many things however on Sunset its about ROLOH and nothing more.

    Robert Waples

  13. Must be some mis-understanding then Robert. Loyalty and truth is important. I asked you if I could use your comments, anonymously or with your name--you responded that I could do either or. Not a guest blogger? Ok then--you are a person with comments who used your name. I guess I gave you more credit than was due?

  14. What is the final verdict on the Sunset property? I have been investigating past documents for days now & have finally pieced together -somewhat- of the story...I am purchasing a nearby home & by doing so, am raising property values here (I have loved this neighborhood for years) but if this land is developed into townhouses- I may need to reconsider. Multi-family units don't belong here & neither does the traffic they would bring. I know the investors spent quite a bit of $ on this land, but can't they subdivide & sell so similar single family homes could be built there? Any info you can provide is greatly appreciated as I am embarking on the biggest purchase of my life.
