Sunday, November 24, 2013

Crime on Wright Drive

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Unfortunately, we have reported on the slum and blight on this once pristine street and now we have criminals hanging out.  That is what happens when a city looks the other way to slum. Street conditions get worse and criminals take over.

Reported by the president of ROLOH:

Even on Wright Drive Crime Happens.

Range Rover with custom wheels with two white males in it parked on Wright Drive.  Obviously out of place and a neighbor went out to ask what they were up to.  So instead of replying with "we are looking at a listing or doing a home inspection" what ever they were up to, they told the neighbor to (in much more graphic words) to mind his own business. 

Well the neighbor decided to take a pic in which the man in the vehicle reached out and stole his iPhone and drove off.  Sheriff Called and report made.  So if you see a Range Rover with custom wheels sitting in the street go ahead and Make the Call ya'll as I'm sure the deputies are very interested in speaking to them.  


  1. Scott Max, this is in your District. What are doing about it aside from figuring out how to give more money to Retha's area?

  2. That is why it is better to simply call PBSO non-emergency number and have them deal with it. These folks easily could have a gun, there are more than a million concealed weapons permits in Florida and lots of folks who carry guns that don't have permits, you can have a gun in your car without a concealed weapon permit.
