Saturday, November 9, 2013

Crime escalating in Lake Worth

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M. Parrilla photo

With so much crime happening within our city, the PBSO is training at Bryant Park. Good thing too as Lake Worth citizens are subjected to drug dealers, thieves, murderers, houses of prostitution, scum balls, you name it.

According to a source, just last week Dixie Highway had a snatch and grab going on--a gas station, a cell phone store where the thief grabbed an I-Phone 5 (I-Phone 5's are worth anywhere from $200 to $800) and then later Walgreens at 10th and Dixie was robbed.

What it will take is more and more businesses and home owners protecting themselves. A panel of Florida legislators with our own Dave Kerner on the committee, easily defeated an effort to repeal Florida's "stand your ground" law this Thursday. While the House Criminal Justice subcommittee voted against the "stand your ground" repeal, it voted in favor of a different measure that could allow people who fire warning shots to avoid being charged under Florida's "10-20-Life" mandatory sentencing law. See CBS News.

There is so much crime in Lake Worth and none of it is talked about...bad for business...bad for the "vision" -- criminals know how to play the game. We pay an unaffordable fortune for reactive policing but when push comes to shove, we are all fooling ourselves. "Protection" is dying a rapid death. Stand your ground.


  1. So Lynn, does this mean you are carrying a weapon these days?


  3. One way ticket is a cowards weapon. Pack up and run? Hell NO! Thank God our founding Mothers and Fathers didn't do that, pack up and run back to England when things got rough. Anonymous if you need help with your ticket I will gladly give the first donation and organized a fundraiser. I am confident we can buy your "ONE WAY TICKET" as a parting gift.

    Proud Lake Worthwhile Resident,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  4. So we pay half or more of our City budget to PBSO and we can't get regular patrols, we can't get undercover operations, we can't get a response when we call non-emergency, there is no enforcement of parking or other local ordinances. The solutions is not for citizens to be carrying guns and firing them off willy nilly, endangering all of us, but for PBSO to do its job and for the City to make PBSO do its job.
