Monday, November 11, 2013

City Hall Annex in Lake Worth

Still an old, proud building, the original Lake Worth City Hall also known as the Lake Worth City Hall Annex, is an historic site in Lake Worth, Florida. It is located at 414 Lake Avenue. It is comprised of 13,266 sq. ft and is currently appraised at $1,749,699.

The building originally served as Lake Worth's elementary school until June 1928. North Grade and South Grade Elementary Schools opened the following fall. The building was subsequently remodeled to provide for the Commission Chamber and administrative offices. I remember when it was the headquarters for our police department back in the 60's. Later on it was added to the National Register of Historic Places on  May 18, 1989.

The Lake Worth Historical Museum is located on the second floor, and features antiques, tools, clothing, photographs, and other local and historic artifacts. It is manned by volunteers on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1pm to 4pm. Susan Ona was volunteering while I was there.

Who knows what's going on at the City Hall Annex. What used to be a very active and buzzing building is virtually quiet now. When you enter customer service, all you see is the area where you can pay your utility bill.  There are two windows opened to serve the public. If you have a problem with your bill or need a question answered, you move to another area of the first floor where you take a number and are serviced by two employees who appear to be bi-lingual.  The interior is clean and neat, what you can see of it, but just about every door is locked to the public.

The exterior grounds are a mess with leaves and berries that have been stomped to a pulp on the sidewalks. The Cultural Plaza is still visited by the homeless who read the inscriptions of Martin Luther King.

The City administration has our City Hall Annex historical building destined to be used for the arts--probably the CRA--and say they will spend $1 million doing it! If we are going to renovate a building and spend one dime of taxpayer money, why not use it for city employees, some of whom are working out of trailers.


  1. Lynn, would you explain to me the cities logic of giving away city owned buildings for little or no rent and free utilities.

  2. Sorry, I have no clue. They have never given us an explanation other than saying that they are doing it. PERIOD.
