Friday, November 29, 2013

Chirp, Chirp, Jabber Jargon, Tweets

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People get "clever" around election time.  They did it with the illegal banner this past March and even the chair of the Historic Board at its last meeting got the skinny from the city attorney as to what they can get away with again as far as The Gulfstream Hotel and erecting a banner. Well, now it seems that someone with a sense of humor is playing a big joke on Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell and has set up a false Twitter account in his name using his photo. Mention of this appeared in Pelican Pete when he chirped about it today. I called Mark Easton to confirm--

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  1. I dream of a Lake Worth where the white race is free to ride 4 wheelers on the beach without big govt's head up our a**es
  2. I'm only going to say this once..any allegations of reptilian involvement/ancestry are completely unfounded.
  3. It is time for my people to rise from the earth and reclaim our place in the anal of history.


  1. Hey Scotty, someone has your number. This is hysterical.

  2. Well, I guess Scott should look at the bright side-there's no such thing as bad publicity,,,,,

  3. There is a disclaimer on the account:
    Scott Maxwell

    maligned defender of anglo values and culture (a parody account). Not actually Scott Maxwell

    Lake Worth, FL

    SO--good luck with the resident who thinks that the FBI should be called.

  4. let's call the FBI the next time those jokers put up another illegal banner on the Gulfstream Hotel. Or send out a flyer calling mcvoy a mad scientist or when they send out something with a return address of LW Utilities. Let's go after all those mutts on that side of politics who lie through their teeth at every opportunity. look what they did during the heights amendment--keep LW Lo-Rise vote NO. Talk about dishonesty. Call the FBI. What a joke.
