Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bornstein to be recognized today

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Well, we know where city manager, Michael Bornstein will be today--at the FSU football game.

Florida State University is 40th among all public "national" universities according to U.S. News and World Report in its 2014 edition of "America's Best Colleges."  I'll bet that when Michael Bornstein was student government president back in 1985 he had no idea that his calling would be for city manager of Lake Worth, a city that recently got a distinction as 58 in the top 100 crime cities in the U.S.

Past student body presidents will be honored at the FSU football game today.

1 comment:

  1. Bornstein is another so called leader, who can't respond to calls or emails from us or do anything about all the blight and crime in Lake Worth. He loves the distinction of having a title of city manager and making $135K a year, but what the hell does he do? Why can't he respond to us or do something about lack of codes, blight, slum, graffiti, and crime in this city? What does he really do? I wonder if Bornstein's poor non-existent leadership will affect the re-elections of the incumbents in Lake Worth? He should be ashamed of himself, he has been a major disappointment for our great little city.
