Friday, November 22, 2013

Black on White Violence - For Oprah

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World Net Daily has been reporting on this black on white violence for two years. The media has been silent excepting for the last week where Fox has reported it daily. Although WND is promoting a book with this video, it is important to publicize the escalating black on white violence and the Knock Out Game. President Obama needs to speak to this issue. Oprah needs to"knock herself out" by opening her mind to the fact that this is going on in many cities in this country and must stop now.  Black on white violence is very real and people are getting killed.


  1. I didn't go see her movie The butler. I can't stand racists. She is totally nuts.

  2. I was jumped and beaten here in Florida. A close friend was jumped and beaten with baseball bats in DC and when I went to see a famous violinist at a concert hall, he told the shocked audience that he'd been jumped and beaten in New Orleans. It's happening everywhere. Not just in the big cities. Everywhere. It is a national movement fueled by hate. It must be stopped.
