Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another Lake Worth building destined for the Arts

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FEC Depot on east side of tracks
Photo from the Lake Worth Museum

We have a lot of history in Lake Worth even some that we don't know much about. We have, however, heard about the FEC Railroad because it runs through our city today. Some of us remember an FEC train depot right here on East Coast St. But many of us are not aware that it once owned property on the western side of the tracks; it is undetermined as to how long the FEC owned it. The city now wants to give that western property at 1105 Second Avenue South an historic designation. Back in 1982, the FEC sold it to B.R.D. Properties for $210,000. It went through a few title changes and eventually the City of Lake Worth was granted the property through a gift almost two years ago.

A photo of the south end of the property
The entire property extends from 2nd Avenue South
to 3rd Avenue South

The city advertised its intent to make the property historic at 1105 Second Avenue South on October 24, 2013 giving the following description: the property is bounded on the east by the FEC Railroad; on the north by 3rd Avenue North; and on the south by 2nd Avenue South. This legal advertisement and description seems to be in error and needs an explanation and/or re-advertised.

Tonight, under New Business A, the City is leasing the property at 1105 Second Avenue South to the Living Arts Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) corporation to be used for metal works, ceramics, and other art disciplines.  The rent will be $1 dollar a year and the lease is for 20 years minus a day. The Lessee will actually pay the City of Lake Worth ad valorem taxes (is this in the CRA district?) that will adjust each year based on the CPI.

The Living Arts Foundations says it will create 38 jobs and will do renovations to the tune of $1.76  million. This building appears to have its own generator and propane tanks.

The Arts Foundation is allowed to sub-lease.
The "visionaries" are going along with a plan to lease this to the arts, have them improve the property over 20 years and allow them to get government grants while doing so. It's called making do re mi out of art.

And of course, the CRA approves.


  1. Once again you are spot on with your assessments. It would be much better for that rusted falling down eyesore to remain vacant and unused rather than bringing in some creative people that put the vacant eyesore top good use and may, just may help turn the city around. Why do the visionairies have to take a building that's been vacant for 10 years without the slightest interest in someone buying or renting that dump and try to do something positive with it? You are really in the know politically.

  2. Your sarcasm is noted.
    Actually, the city has only owned the property for less than 2 years. Prior to that, I have no knowledge of its vacancy or status. It was private property and someone else's business.

    This was one way to restore the building through an historical designation used for arts and obtain government grants.

    I have not made an opinion on the decision to turn over another city building to a non-profit for ARTS. I have to wonder why we would not attempt to sell it first. But we make creative decisions here in LW.

  3. The reason why we outsource or give away stuff is obvious. We can't even write a legal advertisement correctly.

  4. The building, as you can see from the photos, is NOT falling down, it is not a dump nor is it rusted out. That is very unkind of you to describe a valuable gift in that fashion :) It has value and PAPA says it is worth $343,687. Is this in the CRA district?

  5. Big hoorah to the commission for giving a city asset to someone where we will not benefit from any tax. This really has nothing to do with politics other than the commission's desire and decision to lease it away. How many buildings is this now?

  6. Can we just give away the whole dam city to the county and get out from under this noose?

    1. Great idea , then we can get rid of city tarxes and all the elected officials and city manager who continue to embarrass us

  7. To the first anonymous poster, this is a cement building. What exactly is rusting? Why is it a dump? It is a great building and warehouse located on the tracks. Why the negativity? Does it look like it's falling down? You sound like someone who is just argumentative just for the hell of it. Do you honestly think anyone would put over a million into a building that was falling down?

    1. What protection does the city have about the performance of the arts foundation raising money as they promised to improve the citiy's property and also what protection does the city have as to any sub leases. Is this another open ended contract. As an Attorney I think they should consider the risks

  8. This is one more excellent idea to help kick start the Western neighborhoods. Urban Arts Lofts, Arts programs at the shuffle building, all the NSP funds being spent West of the tracks and now this.

    What is proposed will be a major draw for artists working with the larger "industrial" type of sculpting, bronze casting and will house large kilns. The only glass blower in South Florida will be relocating from Stuart to this space and have events where you could come to make your own creation in blown glass.

    I hope the city approves. It will be a big improvement for the area and could lead to more investment in the surrounding properties where artists can live and work close by.

    It will even house a small display area and gallery. Very nice.

  9. Did this go out to bid or did Bornstein unilaterally choose the new tenant? Maybe some other group would have been interested...and for more than $1

  10. Oh, a big revenue generator for Lake Wroth I see.

  11. It will be a big improvement for the area and could lead to more investment in the surrounding properties where artists can live and work close by.
    What? Live in warehouses? Or where crack addicts now reside? This is some sort of farce. This is all about getting grants or OPM.

  12. It actually looks like a beautiful building and I would be all for the $1 rent if the renters are going to work on renovating the building. Does anyone know what the plans are for this building, will the group have to renovate or restore?
