Monday, October 7, 2013


Comment Up

Lake Worth had its illegal alien demonstration on Saturday--criminals who crossed our borders and now demanding rights that only citizens should have. There were two good letters to the editor the other day, one from a Democrat against amnesty.

Read about illegals bemoaning the fact that they can't get a driver's license or documents and that ICE is deporting 1,000 of them a day and they still do not or refuse to learn English.

Why do the liberals believe amnesty is ok?  Why does the government believe that this country can benefit from 11 to 22 million illegals given citizenship?  Do they believe that will be the end of it? Really?


  1. The "National Day of Dignity and Respect" (or, as Roy calls it in his blog, the "Anti-Labor Day" or the "Immigrant Perpetual Poverty Day") came and went Saturday.
    The marches have not received the media attention of past demonstrations, but organizers plan additional protests, acts of civil disobedience, and organized arrests (ironic for an anti-enforcement movement) in the coming days.
    We aren't counting on the media to highlight the fact that these demonstrations are for a bill that would depress wages and increase unemployment for American workers - including recent immigrants - for the next decade says NumbersUSA

  2. these people need to leave.

  3. Every time I see them, I think: What are they doing here? Why are they here?
    My visa ran out one time when I was abroad, and as soon as I found out, I was scared S***less and ran down to the government agency to have it extended. I would not have been walking around proudly, knowing that I didn't have permission to be there,..much less that I broke the law and crossed the border illegally.
    I don't get it. Why doesn't the sheriff's office jail them and deport them? Our community has been seriously hurt by their presence here.
