Monday, October 14, 2013

Vampires and Zombies live among us, not just at Halloween

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Halloween brings out the ghosts, the goblins, the zombies and vampires--blood suckers. But here in Lake Worth, we have some of them who live among us all year round.

There are a few haughty and insincere people in our city who "call out" those who pay little or no ad valorem taxes due to the economic meltdown--something for which they had no control. They go so far as to say that they are not even entitled to an opinion about our city. They have also implied or have said that they are all "deadbeats," and a big part of the problem. With "no skin in the game" the Vice Mayor complains, they have relegated us to the back of the bus--invented another class of residents...those for whom they believe have no or limited Constitutional rights. One, while speaking at the dais during a public meeting that went all over the Internet, turned and pointed a finger towards another citizen saying "she pays no taxes." The mayor did not call a Point of Order ...she leaves that for Commissioner McVoy when he asks neat, skillful and to the point questions or makes intelligent observations.

The city is going through a process to list all of the property and what they generate in ad valorem. They are preparing and educating the public for a general obligation bond to vote on in March 2014 anywhere from $50 million up to $100 million. All taxpayers will be on the hook for 30 years or so at a cost to be determined. This will be done in order to repair 50% of our roads and even create infrastructure for the Park of Commerce. Because the commission does not want to kick the can down the road any longer, they believe that developing this industrial park is Lake Worth's salvation. Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo and John Szerdi have agreed. They just approved a 216 rental development there that could very likely end up as Section 8. The commission wants the taxpayer's blood to do what it wants and to do it now.

Because our property values are too low in Lake Worth through no fault of ours, the very same folks, some of whom still living in their houses where they have defaulted on their mortgage payments, are living for free. They are throwing the biggest stones at those who pay little in ad valorem. In fact, these people might be vampires....drinking the blood of the banks. An estimated 47 percent of bank-owned homes across the nation are still occupied by the previous owner, according to RealtyTrac.

According to yesterday's Post article, banks are ready to target those who have been living rent free that have gone through the foreclosure process. These are referred to as "vampire" foreclosures and those residing in those houses as vampires.

It's a bloody mess.


  1. Time for the Gavel to go where the sun don't shine!

  2. I know who you're talking about. She just had what she thought was a gut wrenching article in the local newspaper and admitted to being in a foreclosure. She won't ever shut up.

  3. It is a problem that there are so many homes in LW that are valued so low that the owners don't pay property taxes at all. I would assume that even those owners who pay no property taxes agree that it is a problem, b/c without tax revenue we can't, as a city, pay for needed repairs, upgrades, services, etc.

    Why are homes not paying taxes in LW is due to a variety of factors. The City could improve values by cleaning up code problems, enforcing code rules for homes that are in foreclosure or abandoned, enforcing code rules for empty lots, the City could fill some pot holes, and clean up roads. Neighborhoods could work to clean up areas in disrepair and home owners and landlords could also clean up as well. I somewhat disagree that home owners have no control over valuation of their home. I agree that is true in most situations, but if you have a home in poor repair it is going to be valued lower than a similar home in good repair.

  4. Because of our high rate of crime, and the poor rating of our schools, most normal Americans don't want to live in Lake Worth. This is why our valuations are so low. Why is crime high and why are our school rated so poorly? Illegal immigrants. Enforce our immigration laws and things will start looking a lot better in a few years when people who've moved out to Wellington start coming back.

  5. Lynn you are such an insanely obtuse hypocrite. During the last election you kept commenting that "47% of americans don't pay taxes". now you're upset that someone pointed out that you have NEVER paid property taxes to the city and that you should keep you're lying misguided mouth shut regarding city matters?
    I can't figure out if you're more obtuse or a bigger hypocrite.

  6. Look, your name calling is not wanted here. Can't you READ or comprehend? talk about obtuse!
    To make a statement that 47% of people in this country are on hand-outs is not the same as my not paying ad valorem since property values tanked. Big difference, anonymous or are you too obtuse to understand it? We who live in properties that are valued low, pay exactly what we are asked to pay. Big difference than some dead-beat getting food stamps, medicaide, housing, and medical all for free wouldn't you say? or are you just too obtuse?

    I would say you should take off those rose colored glasses, go to church and free yourself from so much hate. You might croak off from all that inner hate...not good for your health.

  7. Lynn, I did a little research on the Propery Apprasiers Office, and it seems that the Lady you are referring to, and allowing posts seems to have paid her taxes. Maybe you should check things out before making slanderous remarks.

  8. I didn't refer to anyone, anonymous. I am glad that whoever you looked up paid their taxes. Lucky Lake Worth.

  9. If property values go up so do taxes.Not good for people who are not going to sell, but good for the cities budget. The majority of property owners pay little to no taxes. I do not see where they are at fault and should not have a voice. The problem is people like me who pay the majority of taxes will be expected to pay the majority of the infrastructure bond. Now that is where I disagree and intend to be a voice for this minority.Elections are on the horizon. We need leaders to deal with crime, blight, casino bottom line, and our electric rates. Lets elect people who will solve these problems not just talk about them during campaigns.Your thoughts Lynn.

  10. We need to get property values up--that should be a goal. Who in the world is happy that their values have tanked the way they have?
    I agree that it is unfair for those who have valuable properties and who are paying the most in taxes support the biggest majority of this general obligation bond that they think they are going to get approved. They might not get a bond.
    I don't believe that the wealthy should be taxed as much as they are as they are in order to pay for those with their hands out either.

    Right now I have a problem with this supposed 4.5% decrease in our electric. Has anyone looked at their bill lately? They are charging us a humongous rate for a fuel charge that we haven't had in a very long time and I was told this is a pass through and will continue until such time we generate our own power.

    If I were one of the property owners whose property was worth a lot, I would be fighting right along with you. This should be a special assessment, block by block and charged to those property owners that are affected.

  11. I see from the picture that the loud mouthed woman who sits on the front row at city meetings has dyed her hair.

  12. Lynn, why did you change your previous post? Don' t worry it has already been saved, the Slanderous remark and all. Thanks for that, keep up the good work, we are watching, and saving.

  13. God, get a life! anonymous above.

  14. Whoever is slandering Lynn Anderson should and might be sued.
