Thursday, October 24, 2013

RIP as scrap metal

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USS Forrestal, famous ship of the Vietnam War now at the Navy's inactive ship facility in Philadelphia, was eventually decommissioned in 1993 and was just sold for one cent. If we were to build the ship today, it would cost nearly $2 billion. Instead of dismantling it and putting people back to work creating jobs right there in Philadelphia and making money off the scrap, the government gave it to a private Texas company to do the exact same thing.

It must be a government thing. Can't afford it, get rid of it or lease it out for one cent/dollar a year.

Unemployed in Philadelphia


  1. Our empire is so wasteful , you would think that with all the unemployment that we have ( right there in Philadelphia ) our government would have scraped it themselves and put people to work instead of paying unemployment compensation , all the equipment to scrap this ship is just setting there in Philadelphia at the port where the government is pay good money to keep these old ships.

    Their argument would probably be that it would be take money from the private sector but, the tax payers already paid good money for the private sector to build it in the first place ( 2 billion in today's money), why give it back to the private sector again for free when the government must still keep paying for food stamps.

    All these highly college educated fools from uneducated schools

  2. Like all ships of that era the Forrestal is full of hazardous materials. The bulkheads are lined with asbestos for example.

    The Navy has no way to dismantle a ship like this and would loose money in the process.

    There are no "ship breakers" in Philadelphia that have the means to do a job like this. So keeping the work there is impossible and would be a money loosing proposition.

    Ex Navy
