Sunday, October 27, 2013

Prayer Vigil

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  1. It was a noble effort but on an inconvenient day. Any other day would have brought the people, IMO. Too many were tied up with other activities.

  2. Another nut anonymously spewing nonsense. All elected officials received email invites two weeks prior. This picture only depicts the ones who stayed behind to not leave the Mayor and her husband alone with some car trouble they were experiencing. There was a wonderful small intimate crowd of about 12 in attendance and no one took credit for anything. I have never tried to hide who is on the Genesis Board of Directors. NEWSFLASH You forgot to mention the VP is my best friend and former domestic partner. There are no violations of the bylaws and with what we have been able to accomplish and continue to, in the Geneis neighborhood, who is on the Board of Directors of Genesis needs no justification to anyone; the results speak for themselves!

    Lynn we had a very nice attendance actually for what this event meant. Everyone else had left and the Rev. his friend and I stayed behind with the Mayor and Mike until they fixed the electric lock on the Mayors car trunk.

    You have something personal against me? Attack that and believe me I can take it especially when it is coming from an anonymous coward who hides behind a computer and won't sign their name to their thoughts so much for the validity of them. You attack any of my community efforts you show what you are made of and where you are coming from.

    Commissioner Shelley Vanna apologized but she stated she would have attended had her other two events earlier that evening hadn't gone late she attended my Nana's Memorial since she had ample notice and she is a dear friend who knows who I am and how sincere and genuine my efforts are for my city.

    Unanonymously not yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla
    President Genesis N.A.
    Member Bryant Park N.A.

  3. As I mentioned to you, I took down the personal attack by anonymous. I apologize for publishing it in the first place.

  4. There's a handful of miserable people in this city that wouldn't know "nice" or recognize people giving back if it hit them in their cold hard heart. F*&k them, Mark and the donkey they rode in on.

  5. Lynn thanks for that very classy gesture. Anonymous 12:55pm thank you and miserable is an accurate word to use for them among other choice adjectives. One thing I will NEVER allow is for their ignorance to discourage me, on the contrary, it further adds to the inspiration and resolve to smile brighter, share more joy, love stronger and strive daily to walk closer to the example my Nana left me. I can see them in my rear view mirror!

    Halloweeningly yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla
