Friday, October 25, 2013

Like an Ostrich with its head in the sand

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No one in Lake Worth will ever talk about the truth, the cold hard reasons why our city has literally fallen apart and has become slum ridden and full of blight, breeding crime. They all want to be "politically correct" and of course, most of the voting base is Liberal. All these "do gooders" want illegals to become citizens. They cite the Statute of Liberty. Others blame our poor state on a handful of anarchists that they say brought down the town but they don't look to themselves. It's easier to blame the other guy. Instead, they get out on weekends and have neighborhood clean-ups believing they are really helping our city as the root problem gets worse.

On today's front page of the Post is an article on food stamps being cut in Florida and they talk about a farm worker from El Salvador with a baby on her hip applying for food stamps at the Farmworker Coordinating Council, 1313 Central Terrace, Lake Worth, FL 33460.

Of course this illegal would not be eligible for government assistance unless that baby was born here. And that's another thing these agencies probably tell them--Fornicate, have a kid and you are then In like Flynn--it won't matter if you crossed our borders illegally. That law must change.

With offices in Lake Worth and Belle Glade, the council says it promotes self-sufficiency through various programs. Ms. Ramirez gets $367 a month in food stamps (not to mention all the other government assistance she gets) that might be reduced by $35 a month for a family of four and the SNAP program serves 48 million people costing $75 billion a year.

The Farmworker Coordinating Council is in Lake Worth AND Belle Glade helping illegal immigrants while the American citizen supports and subsidizes entire families with average incomes of $14,000 a year! The city commission constantly brings up the fact that we are second to Belle Glade in poverty...they seem shocked by that statistic. And they wonder why this city stays poor?


  1. There are way too many areas in our city that is like a third World. We still allow them to stand on Lake and Lucerne and the little market there on Lake is stacked with beer. to they buy this with food stamps too? My hours just got cut back and I am supporting these aliens.

  2. CITY OF LW probably gives this office space away on top of it!

  3. I don't understand how a Federal program is the fault of Lake Worth. Are you objecting to the fact that the Farmworker Coordinating Council has an office within City Limits?

    What is the City supposed to do, not grant them an occupancy license because you don't like the service they offer?

    There are plenty of issues with immigrants in this City, but often the problem lies with the individuals who prey on them.

    Please propose some solutions instead of just saying how the City lets this happen.

  4. Anonymous @ 12:22--I believe you are rewriting my blog.

  5. First, you have to talk about it. Lynn's about the only one willing. Let's all join in, and be honest. If the mayor and city commissioners had integrity, and courage, they would ask Rick Bradshaw, next time he comes around asking for the PBSO contract with the city to be renewed, to start enforcing federal immigration laws and jail and deport those who are in Lake Worth illegally. The fact is, the City of Lake Worth is paying almost $15 million a year for a law enforcement agency that is ignoring the law, and abetting lawbreakers. And YES, the city can very well deny an occupancy permit to people who are harboring or abetting illegal immigrants. It has an obligation to do so. So stop passing the buck.

  6. What I am saying is the city is probably giving space away to many organizations that cost them $$ instead of contributing $$. Shit attracts flies tooif you can understand that.

  7. Please propose some solutions instead of just saying how the City lets this happen.
    Deport all illegals. No more anchor babies. Does anyone ever see a Guatemalan woman who is not pregnant, pushing a baby carriage with one in it, and a couple of kids besides walking with her? Yeah,yeah, they're all such wonderful MOMs. Everyone could be a great Mom if they had nothing to do but sit on their asses with their hands out to Big Brudda!If all of our groceries and our housing were paid for, if we didn't have to pay for day care for our kids, or their school lunches, OR their school supplies, or their Dr./Dentist visits, then YEAH all of the hard working stupid ass women out here could be great Moms!!
