Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lake Worth November 8th - Children of Jacmel, Haiti

For the last five years, the artists of the Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery have been supporters of the children of the Arts Creation Foundation in Haiti. These children suffered greatly from the earthquake that killed over 300,000 Haitians. Through the Arts Creation Foundation the children have learned to survive through the creation of art.

Every March the gallery holds a Haitian Empty Bowl Fundraiser for these children. Artists have made up to 500 bowls each year. These bowls are sold and the participants take them to 20 restaurants throughout town, each filling the bowls with wonderful foods. With the funds raised the children get water treatment systems, some housing and whatever their greatest needs are.

The reception for the children will take place from 6-9 PM. Art works created by the children will be on sale with 100% of the proceeds going to the Arts Creation Foundation. This is a wonderful opportunity to directly meet the children you have helped through your donations. The Foundation will accept additional donations as well.

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