Monday, October 21, 2013

Lake Worth Motto: Get it Off My Table

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Read Andrew Marra's editorial in today's Palm Beach Post on our Code Enforcement department.

Sometimes upper management believes it is just easier to turn departments over to anyone rather than figuring out how to manage it well--getting it off their table--out of sight, out of mind.  Isn't that what we pay people to do...solve the problems and give them the tools to be successful? We finally did that and then fired most of the code department.


  1. 100% Accurate comment.

  2. You complained when the commission decided NOT to outsource the Utility Customer Service when they had Mattey in tears because the troubles were systemic and to the core.

    Now you complain when they do outsource the Code when the problems are similar to that of the Utility.

    This is what he referred to as being kicked to death by a million mice. You are going to get slammed by social media no matter what you do.

    I have no idea whether it is a good idea to outsource code. Code can't make someone clean up their act. All it can do is cite them for infractions to city and building codes.

    Where we have always fallen short is "what happens next". Our follow up on foreclosing on our code fines is dismal. So is our collection of code fines when the property does sell. But State Law must be followed and we cannot stray outside of that.

    The right choice of an outside firm will hopefully make sure the ordinances are dealt with fairly. And follow up will be swift and consistent.

    If someone's friend gets cited for not having the proper size numbers on her home,she will have to comply and the code department shouldn't have to worry if it is a friend of someone who thinks she has the ear of our politicians.

    I am willing to see what an outside firm can do.

  3. The LW utility customer service needed to change its name--there was NO customer service and NO one did their job. They were trained but NEVER learned anything. When you called they could not answer ONE QUESTION. I called there last week and asked about the fuel charge on my utility bill. Do you think anyone could give me an answer as to what it included? I finally had to get in touch with Clay and Walt Gill.

    The code department, on the other hand, had NO TEETH to do their jobs. Finally they got dozens of ordinances written and passed so that the department could have some clout and then they all were fired.

    The commission was swilling to train the utility customer service but not the code people. A double standard? Politics? Hot ticket item? The IA report was its demise.

    See any difference here?

    I hope, right along with you, that our slum and blight is cleaned up and that the right company is chosen.

  4. No, I don't see the difference. Different systemic broken to the core departments. Different issues. The telephone answerer should NOT be allowed to give you technical information. That is the supervisor's job. The code officers on the other hand, were habitually late, and other issues that strong leadership could've taken care of, much like the Utility.

    Not enough of a difference to have you slam either one for political decisions that have to be made for improvement. Sometimes you just have to wipe out the whole bunch and start over again.

  5. P.S. I don't consider writing a blog the same thing as social media. Is the PB Post on-line social media?

  6. If I am calling about my bill and want to know what a charge includes and that person doesn't know the answer, then she should learn. This was not a technical question. It was a basic question.

    You need to learn the basics.

    If code officers were not doing their jobs correctly, that is why we hired Raquel Diaz. Was she incompetent too? I never got that impression; quite the contrary.

  7. Why can't we just let the county take over Lake Worth? What would we really be losing? 55 decal parking spaces at the beach ? Big deal.

  8. It's all a big deal and that comment fits right in--if we can't fix it or manage it let's give it away. Pretty soon there won't be much left to give,

  9. We obviously weren't getting what we were paying for with the code dept. and I think outsourcing with eliminate the "selective" enforcement that has gone on for years. As fro Ms. Diaz, she would lie straight to your face and let her employees take the fallout- not what I heard, what I know first hand. And the "raid" on Bryant Park in which many were arrested for "open containers" and lewed behavior has improved the park 100% in just a few weeks...why can't that type of all out effort be conducted in other problem areas of our city?

  10. Lynn, I frequently read your posts and do not always agree. But truer words have not been spoken than those comments at 5:46
