Monday, October 28, 2013

Lake Worth - Employees

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I always say, it could be worse--we could be living in Boynton Beach.  Most of our problems pale in comparison other than slum, blight and crime, of course.

Now the latest is they age discriminated against an elderly man who was working for the library part-time to subsidize his income.  They fired him after he was considerate, arranged the surgery during the summer when it was slow and gave proper notice that he would be out for a short time due to hip surgery.  Boynton didn't like that.  They fired him.

The truth be known is that corporations are hiring the older workers now.  It has been proven that they have good leadership skills; they're focused; they're loyal; they have a good work ethic; and they have strong networks. If they are over 65, they are on medicare therefore no healthcare costs to worry about.

We in Lake Worth value our employees but at a huge expense I might add--union benefits are killing us, contracts signed during good times. Union negotiations are something we have not heard about under this commission.

To set the record straight, ever since Commissioner Amoroso ran for office the first time and even though he was informed at the time he was using an erroneous figure when he said that Lake Worth, under Susan Stanton, laid off 70 workers, that figure has stuck.  Mayor Pam Triolo quoted it just recently. In actuality and during the 2011-2012 budget discussions, it was said that 39 positions were eliminated beginning in 2008--some due to austerity measures and the rest because of the contracting out of our police and fire, outsourcing of city services in the areas of park, facility and street maintenance the year before.  Some were probationary union positions or were  positions still listed on the chart that were never filled, thus making up the 70 plus positions.

 I have mentioned this before but local politicians (who never attended a commission or budget meeting back then) still like to use the larger figure to blame a former commission on everything imaginable especially on the lack of code enforcement by saying that they laid-off all these employees. They try to imply that we wouldn't have all this slum, blight and crime if the previous administration had not cut staff.


  1. What business,jobs and revenue source ,equal to our Lake Worth 1921 recreated Mediterranean style,elegant part, Casino,
    has the present Commission created? Businesses on Lake Avenue have left, here today, gone tommorrow.
    Evenings on the Avenue, a questionable venue, has no honest,clean record of revenues, and is all but gone, with 2 or 3 vendors.

  2. Lake Worth Commissions have proven not trust worthy.Lost Tax payers $2.600,000,- to a flim flam gang of con-artists,because no background check was done to protect Citizens money, interests.
    Lake Worth Commission approved $8.600.000.- for 1/2 mile of 10th Avenue road rehab,.given to one Contractor of CRA manager choice only,not allowed for open market bidding,by Joan Oliva,who decided she spends our tax money the way she wants it, to her favorite Companies.Records prove this.

    Honest,moral Mayor Gerard of Manalapan, had same work total rehab done with new,bigger drainage pipes on
    1 1/2 mile of A-1-A, with open market bidding for Manalapan's job,
    got 1 1/2 mile total Road rehab done for $1.800.000.-.See archives of Shiny Sheet for record.
    Manalapan 1 1/2 mile road rehab for $1,800,000,- with open market bidding.

    Lake Worth Commission approved ,
    1 single Contractor chosen by Joan Oliva ,CRA manager, ,no open market bidding was allowed, to protect Citizens money!

    This shows that the Commission collaborated with an employee of the CRA to charge the Citizens,
    her paymasters,$7,000,000,- above the market cost of that small job.

    We must trust the Commission? Showing habitual incompetence in all areas, with $100,000,000 General Obligation Bond?
    To be able to spend at their discretion???, When the history of this Town shows,it is a peer - member of the most Corrupt of all Counties, Palm Beach County.
    Consistent gross incompetence gave Lake Worth the highest millage Rate, 8.5!

    Palm Beach,Manalapan and all surrounding Towns have a millage rate are 1 2, 2.4 the highest is 4!

    Lake Worth voters have voted guided by malicious, slanderous rumor monger's instigations, picking the worst element, preferable without thorough knowledge of our City's functions.
    The present crop is no fifferent and want to.... $100,000,000,- disappear!

  3. Someone just tried to post here who can't even SPELL. Please go back to 4th grade and learn something. While you are there, tell your teacher to advise you against bullying. You might grow up to be a LW bully and coward or a responsible citizen...your choice.
